Acupuncture.Com - Gall Bladder 34
Location: On the lateral aspect of the lower leg, in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. Functions: Benefits the sinews and joints, activates the meridian, moves Liver Qi, …
Acupuncture Point: Gallbladder 34 (GB 34) - Acupuncture Technology News
2016年5月1日 · Acupuncture Point: Gallbladder 34 (GB 34, GB34) Chinese Name: Yang Ling Quan English Name: Yang Mound Spring Location: In a depression anterior and inferior to the …
Yin Yang House | GB 34 Acupuncture Point Theory
Explore gb 34 functional groupings theory - Hui Meeting and/or Lower He Sea, or read all point categories and related theory. While not necessarily valid clinically, ST 36 (Tonify deficient Qi …
阳陵泉 - 足少阳胆经 - 经络腧穴 - 针灸穴位数据库
阳陵泉(Yánglíngquán,GB34)合穴;胆之下合穴;八会穴之筋会. 阳陵泉,经穴名。出自《灵枢·邪气藏府病形》。别名筋会、阳之陵泉、阳陵。属足少阳胆经。位于小腿外侧,腓骨头前下 …
GB34 Acupuncture Point Location, Practical uses and Benefits
2024年6月26日 · Acupuncture point GB34, known as Yanglingquan, or “Hill Spring”, is a significant point in the treatment of many conditions locally, along the channel, and within the …
GB34 - zFrontier 装备前线
春节前收了一个心仪已久牛牛的gb34,这段时间想把它组起来。喜欢的gb主题键帽已经在其它套件上用过了。群友Galo建议去XMI的店去定制。定制键帽算是对一个工作繁忙人士极大的挑战。 …
Yanglingquan (GB 34) | Master Tung's Acupuncture | eLotus CORE
In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. Needle perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun.
GB 34 Acupuncture Point (Functions & Location) - YouTube
GB 34 is the best acupuncture point for joints, ligaments & tendons issues!📌 Pinpoint your patients' pain and get fast, effective relief with SCALP Acupunct...
GB34 - TCM Wiki
2015年1月26日 · Yanglingquan (GB34,阳陵泉) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Shaoyang Gall Bladder Meridian of Foot. Yang, Yang of Yin-Yang; ling, mound; quan, spring. …
GB34 - Gallbladder Meridian 34 Acupuncture Point
GB34 is point 34 of the Gallbladder Meridian in traditional Chinese medicine. The original Chinese name for GB34 is 陽陵泉 (yáng líng quán), which translates as ‘Yang Mound Spring’ and the …