python - How do you make pip install gdal work? - Geographic ...
2024年12月30日 · However, GDAL doesn't provide precompiled binaries. If you really want to do this the hard way and compile the python bindings, you'll need to install GDAL binaries and have the GDAL source headers (this is what your compiler is …
Installing GDAL with Python on Windows
Can anyone explain how to install GDAL/OGR with Python on Windows? I have Windows Vista and I have tried following the information on the website and it does not seem to bind the *.exe files for me...
Reprojecting MODIS-Sphere ESRI GRID file to WGS84 using …
2015年11月15日 · The Readme.docx inside the zip file gives some hints on the projection, but maybe misleading. The raster is in an interrupted Goode Homolosine projection, based on the MODIS sphere. So I created the following custom CRS: +proj=igh +R=6371007 +no_defs reprojected a Natural Earth shapefile into it, and it fits to the raster data with the same CRS …
Merging all tiles from one directory using GDAL
I would like to use GDAL (under Windows; OSGeo4W Shell) to merge all GeoTIFFs from one directory into a new GeoTIFF. I have tried to address them by writing c:\data\....\*.tif which however does not seem to work, using the Windows environment.
gdalwarp - GDAL usage of GPU with Windows - Geographic …
2018年3月15日 · I use GDAL 2.2.1, released 2017/06/23 on Windows 10. It was install with pre-compiled packages. I usually use gdalwarp, gdal_translate or gdal_grid as commands for single use, or with Python bindin...
gdal - Accessing Shapefile metadata using OGR - Geographic …
I'm trying to use ogrinfo to get some details on a shapefile I downloaded. Currently, the only way I know how to do this is to load it into QGIS and manually click around to find any information on...
Removing some bands or layers from a tiff using gdal
Basically I just need to delete 4 layers from the pix image and work with 26 layers. When I call raster_image.rastercount, instead of it printing 30, I want it to print 26. I have gone through the gdal library, I may have missed something but I couldn't find anything. Is there a way to delete entire bands using gdal?
gdal - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange
I wanted to merge around 20 dem tiffs each around 100MB, and I used gdalwarp (I know about virtual file option): gdalwarp $(list_of_tiffs) merged.tiff However this command took very long time, and
gdal - Create Blue Marble XYZ tiles - Geographic Information …
If you want to use open-source GDAL library tools you would probably first need to merge the individual input files into one VRT (with gdalbuildvrt), then reproject correctly (with gdalwarp) into the exact extent of the Spherical Mercator, then tile with my student project gdal2tiles.py.
Proper use of python subprocess for GDAL - Geographic …
2018年3月14日 · gdal_translate -b 5 -of GTiff -a_ullr <ULX ULY LRX LRY> -a_nodata 0 -co COMPRESS=LZW NETCDF:in.nc:PM25 out.tif Then, I use gdalwarp to reproject it to another projection (it's actually to a geographic coordinate system with a …