Garnet - Steven Universe Wiki
After Rose Quartz gave up her physical form to give birth to her son, Steven Universe, Garnet took over as the leader of the group. Years later, Garnet is still an extremely stable fusion, living a loving and peaceful life among the Crystal Gems and their uncorrupted allies.
Garnet/Gallery/Official Artwork - Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe The Movie - "True Kinda Love" Exclusive Animatic. Steven Universe: The Movie cut scene. Steven Universe Future intro "Little Homeschool" "Bluebird" ... "Garnet's Universe" promo art by Jeff Liu "Lion 3: Straight to Video" promo art by Joe Johnston "The Test" promo art by Hilary Florido
Garnet/Designs - Steven Universe Wiki
Garnet's regeneration in "Your Mother and Mine" and "A Single Pale Rose" during the war (albeit during the Corrupting Light's blast, rendering her actual palette unclear), also seen in Pearl's projection from "Now We're Only Falling Apart", and seen again in "The Gauntlet" story in Steven Universe: Fusion Frenzy after Garnet decides to fight ...
Garnet/Gallery | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom
This page is an image gallery for Garnet. Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article. Official artwork · 1A · 1B · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · Movie · Future · Other
Amethyst - Steven Universe Wiki
In "Keystone Motel", when Steven, Garnet, and Greg return from their trip, Amethyst can be briefly seen trying to console a very upset Pearl, whom Garnet is ignoring due to Pearl's irresponsible actions in "Cry for Help".
Garnet/Quotes | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom
Garnet and Steven: Here we are in the future! ♫ ” —Steven Universe: The Movie “
Ruby - Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom
At first, Ruby seems distant towards Steven, only focusing on finding and forming Garnet with Sapphire as soon as possible. In reality, Ruby cares deeply for Steven, as hinted when she tries to tell him not to put his hand through the force field for his own safety.
Garnet/History | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom
Amethyst is suddenly engulfed by the monster, retreating to her gem one last time. Garnet punches it, forcing it to release Amethyst's gem from its mouth. Garnet and Steven return to the Beach House with Amethyst's gem, intending to find the monster after she regenerates.
Peridot - Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom
Garnet's relationship with Peridot improved after Peridot joined the Crystal Gems; Garnet calms her down after she throws away her tape recorder, and Garnet gets Steven to return it to Peridot. In "Hit the Diamond" she reassures Peridot, telling her that she and the other Crystal Gems are sworn to protect any and all who call Earth home, which ...
Sapphire - Steven Universe Wiki
She, along with Ruby, cares for Steven greatly — when Steven asked Garnet if he made a good first impression, Garnet assured him that both Ruby and Sapphire already loved him. Garnet even cried over him, as they saved him from suffocating in space in " Bubbled ".