GitHub - dundee/gdu: Fast disk usage analyzer with console ...
Pretty fast disk usage analyzer written in Go. Gdu is intended primarily for SSD disks where it can fully utilize parallel processing. However HDDs work as well, but the performance gain is not so huge. Head for the releases page and download the binary for your system. Using curl:
Global Dynamics United
Global Dynamics United (GDU) is a bleeding-edge, design-driven company and consultancy artistically manufacturing state of the art, camera and cinematography equipment for industries including, film, still & nature photography, fashion, product & automotive design, sports, content creation, F1 and aerospace.
Releases · dundee/gdu - GitHub
2024年12月30日 · Fast disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go - Releases · dundee/gdu
Growing Degree Unit (GDU) Calculator | Pioneer® Seeds
Track GDU accumulation on your farm and compare total GDUs and year-to-year comparisons with the Growing Degree Unit Calculator.
Growing Degree Days | GreenCast - Syngenta
View the latest growing degree information for your zip code below or sign up for individual email alerts when degree days hit a target threshold in your area. Questions about how to use …
Growing degree-day - Wikipedia
Growing degree days (GDD), also called growing degree units (GDUs), are a heuristic tool in phenology. GDD are a measure of heat accumulation used by horticulturists, gardeners, and farmers to predict plant and animal development rates such as the date that a flower will bloom, an insect will emerge from dormancy, or a crop will reach maturity.
gdu 5.30.1 - Download, Review, Screenshots - Softpedia
2024年12月30日 · gdu enables, from the single window of any command line you choose, fast access to your disk usage data, with comfortable and easy-navigable data display, a simplistic help menu, and...