  1. German Ivy Indoor Care | Senecio mikanioides Care …

    • Learn how to grow and care for German Ivy (Senecio mikanioides), a fast-growing, evergreen, climbing plant with fleshy, glossy leaves and yellow flowers. Find out about its watering, light, temperature, humidit… 展开


    Senecio mikanioides also called Delairea odoratais native to South Africa where it grows as a vine that climbs up trees and can reach a height of 5 metres in the wild. 展开


    According to Greater Wellington Pest and Weed Central, Senecio mikanioides has been found to be invasive. It is not recommended to be planted in the ground as given time, it … 展开


    German Ivy is toxic to both humans and petsas indicated by ASPCA. If ingested, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pains. Keep it away from the reach of childre… 展开

    Senecio mikanioides Care Indoors

    German Ivy (Senecio mikanioides) flourishes in medium to bright indirect light, moderate warmth of 18-270C, average humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drain… 展开
