GFCN: A New Graph Convolutional Network Based on Parallel …
2019年2月25日 · In this paper, we study the problem from a completely different perspective, by introducing parallel flow decomposition of graphs. The essential idea is to decompose a graph …
GFCN: A New Graph Convolutional Network Based on Parallel …
We demonstrate that the our method, which we call GFCN (graph flow convolutional network), is able to transfer CNN architectures to general graphs. We demonstrate effectiveness of the …
CNN along each family of paths. We demonstrate that the our method, which we call GFCN (graph flow convolutional network), is able to transfer CNN architectures to general graphs …
MahsaMesgaran/GFCN - GitHub
GFCN : Graph Fairing Convolutional Networks for Anomaly Detection Graph convolution is a fundamental building block for many deep neural networks on graph-structured data. In this …
iamadog3333/gfcn: Graph Flow Convolutional Network - GitHub
This repository is for paper GFCN: A New Graph Convolutional Network Based on Parallel Flows. To run the code of this repository, the following requriments are needed. Dowload the …
GFCN: A New Graph Convolutional Network Based on Parallel Flows
We demonstrate that the our method, which we call GFCN (graph flow convolutional network), is able to transfer CNN architectures to general graphs directly, unlike the spectral graph …
Gfcn: A New Graph Convolutional Network Based On Parallel Flows
The essential idea is to decompose a graph into families of non-intersecting one dimensional (1D) paths, after which, we may apply a 1D CNN along each family of paths. We demonstrate that …
the our method, which we call GFCN (graph flow convolutional network), is able to transfer CNN architectures to general graphs. To show the effectiveness of our approach, we test our …
Graph fairing convolutional networks for anomaly detection
2024年1月1日 · Inspired by the implicit fairing concept in geometry processing for triangular mesh smoothing [17], we introduce a graph fairing convolutional network architecture, which we call …
through skip connections between layers, the proposed GFCN model is flexible and exploits both the graph structure and node features for learning discriminative node representations in an …