GIIB World – World Class Rubber products and service
2019年1月9日 · GIIB Group has been providing outstanding products and services to over 60 countries worldwide. We develop, manufacture and market rubber and rubber related compounds.
Why GIIB – GIIB World
“ GIIB stands as a beacon of excellence on five continents and in over 60 countries. Stressing quality is not enough. Quality is expected. Performance is required. Everything built in our factory is for our clients who demand the highest quality and performance. The specifications required for individual applications are well defined.
GIIB Holdings Berhad (“GIIB” or the “Company”) is an investment holding company that is principally involved in rubber compound manufacturing. The Company’s core business, is divided into two segments: technical compound and tyre compound.
GIIB Holdings: Shareholders Board Members Managers and …
GIIB Holdings Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holding company. The Company and its subsidiaries are principally involved in rubber compound manufacturing and healthcare, particularly in the manufacturing of gloves. The Company's segments include Compounding, Glove Business, and Property and Others.
GIIB Group - LinkedIn
GIIB Group is an international rubber manufacturing company that produces the highest quality of rubber and rubber-related compounds while offering retreading services. We provide services to...
2004年3月31日 · GIIB Holdings Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holding company. The Company and its subsidiaries are principally involved in rubber compound manufacturing and healthcare, particularly in the manufacturing of gloves. The Company's segments include Compounding, Glove Business, and Property and Others.
GIIB (7192) Overview - GIIB HOLDINGS BERHAD | I3investor
Goodway Integrated Industries Bhd develops, manufactures, and markets rubber compounds and rubber related products in Malaysia. The company operates through the segment of Rubber Compounds, Retreading Services, and Property Development/Construction Trading segments.
G-NiiB 免疫+ 28天 專利配方SIM01 - Amazon
G-NiiB 免疫+配方SIM01由香港著名大學醫學院 研發及經臨床驗證的獨特微生態免疫力配方。 它由精準的3+3雙歧桿菌和益生元配方組成,為亞洲人補充所需益菌,提升免疫力和整體生活質數。 兩項大型臨床研究實證,有效減少日常風險感染、提升皮膚、情緒和睡眠質量以及改善新型病毒後遺症的徵狀。 意大利益生菌及專利鎖菌技術,確保活益菌定殖腸道。 ^Martin C.S. Wong, Lin Zhang, Jessica Y. L. Ching, et at.
GIIB는 견고한 금융 네트워크를 형성! 글로벌 인프라 투자 금융의 글로벌 시장에서 탄탄한 리더십과 입지를 확보!
G-NiiB 網店
成功註冊為 G-NiiB 網店新會員,即獲贈$50購物金,可即時扣減! 普通會員:購物滿港幣$429或以上,香港及澳門免運費。 消費即賺點數,每80點=$1購物使用。 升級成為G-NiiB銀/金/白金會員即享專屬折扣優惠、生日購物金及更低的免運費門檻。 第二盒半價! 2025 © GenieBiome Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The products on this website are not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance.