Glaurung | Tolkien Wiki - The Tolkien Forum
2020年6月12日 · By then, Glaurung had already gathered Felagund's treasures and hoarded them in Nargothrond, where he rested and stayed on guard. Glaurung heard that Morwen and Nienor, Túrin's mother and sister, left Doriath to look for their family. In the forest, Glaurung found Nienor and made her lose her mind with a spell.
Glaurung: Maia or No? - The Tolkien Forum
2009年1月7日 · We must remember at this point in time (the weaning/'bastardization' of Glaurung), Morgoth is a very considerably weakened Dark Lord & much of his power is already gone. It would seem likely that a Maia of whatever strength, most likely somewhat considerable compared to the ' Orc Captains' of the First Age yet less than the Balrogs was ...
Glaurung's rank in Morgoth's armies - The Tolkien Forum
2008年11月20日 · Glaurung being a replaceable resource would have been assigned the task of leading specific armies for specific objectives. So I think the rank structure would have been on the lines of this: Sauron - 2nd in Command Gothmog - Captain of the Host Glaurung - Father of Dragons / Captain of Dragons Sauron and Gothmog aren't replaceable, Glaurung is ...
Ancalagon vs. Glaurung | Page 2 - The Tolkien Forum
2003年5月8日 · Even though Glaurung was the first dragon around, I'm thinking that when they say he's the father of them, he's also the biggest and the baddest and the scariest and the evillest. oh well. oh well. It's not like there's any way we can prove it either way. *hides*
Ancalagon vs. Glaurung - The Tolkien Forum
2003年5月1日 · Glaurung was the first, and Ancalagon was a "result" of many experiments and improvements that Morgoth tried out (e.g. wings); I think Ancalagon may have been "the final product", and therefore the greatest. Glaurung was more of a cunning dragon, and his main advantage were his spells which inflicted much woe upon the house of Húrin. Ancalagon ...
Why send Glaurung to Nargothrond? - The Tolkien Forum
2023年2月22日 · Is Glaurung ever specifically stated to be stronger than say, the Balrogs?I'm writing a paper, and wondering why Morgoth would send Glaurung specifically to Nargothrond when he could have sent any number of Balrogs, or even Sauron, who I believe was at Angband at the time. any insight would be appreciated (I don't have a copy of the silmarillion on hand so I cannot consult it.)
Dragons | Tolkien Wiki
2020年5月25日 · Glaurung, having been the first dragon and the “father of dragons,” made the dragon race self-sustaining by mating with other reptiles or Maiar-reptiles. Dragons outside of Canon In the Middle-earth games made by Iron Crown Enterprises, there were several dragons added to their selection.
Ancalagon vs. Glaurung? | The Tolkien Forum
2009年1月19日 · I know Ancalagon is the greatest winged dragon, but Glaurung is the grandaddy of em all. Besides he has spells and stuff so I think Glaurung would win...
Does Morgoth sacrifice Glaurung to spite Hurin?
2002年2月11日 · [Some have said that] maybe he knew not that Glaurung was dead, and hoped in his heart distraught to take vengeance on this evil thing - for Morgoth would conceal the death of Glaurung, if he could, both because the loss was a grief to him and a hurt to his pride, and because (from Húrin especially) he would conceal all that was most valiant or …
Legs or No? Did Glaurung Have Legs? | The Tolkien Forum
2008年12月5日 · So, with that in mind, Glaurung had legs because of three things: 1) He is a dragon. All dragons have legs. Therefore, he has legs. Take that Sherlock. 2) "In the Narn he is described as having great forelegs, and at one point while trying to cross the chasm, Glaurung grappled the further cliff with his mighty claws." Originally posted by Galin