What can be used to 'gzip' in Windows? - Super User
As mentioned in @djvg's answer, Windows includes tar since 2017. But those that are unwilling to install anything and wish to use gzip or gunzip to compress or decompress single files can create a System.IO.Compression.GZipStream object in PowerShell and compress or decompress by giving System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode as a parameter to it, as done in the two …
What is the maximum compression ratio of gzip? - Super User
2013年1月2日 · It very much depends on the data being compressed. A quick test with a 1Gb file full of zeros using a standard version of gzip (with default options or specifying -9) gives a compressed size of ~1018Kb, so your 10Kb file could potentially expand into ~10Mbytes.
compression - Pros and cons of bzip vs gzip? - Super User
2010年10月30日 · Gzip and bzip2, as well as xz and lzop, are functionally equivalent. (There once was a bzip, but it seems to have completely vanished off the face of the world.) Other common compression formats are zip, rar and 7z; these three do both compression and archiving (packing multiple files into one).
What is the difference in gzip compression levels? - Super User
2016年10月12日 · From what I have read regarding DEFLATE (what gzip uses), the levels specify the amount of time the algorithm spends finding repetition in bytes and encoding the data properly. I don't quite understand how this would differ between one pass of a file or multiple passes of a file.
How to password protect gzip files on the command line?
2010年7月12日 · Using gzip and aespipe $ cat clear_text | gzip | aespipe > clear_text.gz.aes #Compress & Encrypt $ cat clear_text.gz.aes | aespipe -d | gunzip > clear_text #Decrypt & Decompress aespipe is what it sounds like, a program that takes input on stdin and outputs aes encrypted data on stdout.
Between xz, gzip, and bzip2, which compression algorithim is the …
The fastest algorithm are by far lzop and lz4 which can produce a compression level not very far from gzip in 1.3 seconds while gzip took 8.1 second. The compression ratio is 2.8 for lz4 and 3.7 for gzip. Here are a few results I extracted from this article : Gzip : 8.1s @ 3.7. lz4 : 1.3s @ 2.8. xz : 32.2s @ 5.43. xz -e : 6m40 @ 7.063. xz ...
When using "gzip --decompress", the result is "gzip: MYFILE.zip ...
In Windows PowerShell (if it matters), I would like to decompress a zip file with gzip with the argument --decompress, but unfortunately it doesn't work. Please look at the screenshot below. gzip --decompress "colorbox.zip" its result: gzip: colorbox.zip: unknown suffix -- ignored. Do you have any ideas how to get rid of this error?
How to GZIP all the files or a list of files from some path?
2011年7月11日 · gzip will always compress each file into a single .gz file when given a list of files on its command line. For example $ gzip -r log.2011 to recursively walk the log.2011 directory and compress all files it finds, or $ gzip log.2011/* to compress only the files in the log.2011 directory without descending into subdirectories.
How to gzip multiple files into one gz file? - Super User
2011年3月29日 · Quoth the gzip manpage: If you wish to create a single archive file with multiple members so that members can later be extracted independently, use an archiver such as tar or zip. GNU tar supports the -z option to invoke gzip transparently. gzip is designed as a complement to tar, not as a replacement
gzip - How do I gunzip a directory? - Super User
gzip is a stream compressor - it doesn't really look at the contents of what you are compressing beyond what it needs to to in order to make it smaller so it has no concept of directories. Just as a side note, I find bzip2 to do a much better job of compression than gzip - albeit slower.