Houston Museum of Natural Science
At Houston Museum of Natural Science, visitors gather to experience the natural world through galleries and exhibitions.
Hours & Admission - HMNS
Find information on the Houston Museum of Natural Science's hours of operations, admission sales, directions, parking, and more!
Houston Museum of Natural Science Exhibits - HMNS
Get an overview of all our exhibits that are currently on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science!
Houston Museum of Natural Science | Sugar Land
Offering fascinating science exhibitions sure to appeal to all ages, Sugar Land expands the embrace of the HMNS family!
Houston Museum of Natural Science | George Observatory
Find immersive, quality education for students of all ages right here at HMNS and HMNS Sugar Land.
Houston Museum of Natural Science - Wikipedia
The Houston Museum of Natural Science (abbreviated as HMNS) is a natural history museum located on the northern border of Hermann Park in Houston, Texas, United States. The museum was established in 1909 by the Houston Museum and Scientific Society, an organization whose goals were to provide a free institution for the people of Houston ...
HMNS – Made for Humans – HMNS Perfume
Fragrance is an art fused with science. In HMNS, we believe that each product is there to make you adored, loved and remembered.
Houston Museum of Natural Science - BEYONDbones
HMNS Astronomer James Wooten explains what to expect with upcoming sky happenings. Saturn is now a late evening object! It rises in the east-southeast by 10:11 pm on August 1 and by 8:15 (during twilight) on August 31.
Visit - HMNS
Explore a world of wonder—spanning culture, history, space, wildlife, and the sciences at HMNS. Prehistoric beasts tower above you and glistening gems dazzle around you. The Houston Museum of Natural Science is more than a tourist attraction.
Events | Houston Museum of Natural Science
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that receives no federal or state funding. Tax ID # 74-1036131.