HTV3 Cantonese Playback app - playback video skips/jumps, …
2018年4月15日 · HTV3 Cantonese Playback app When you watched a playback video, it skips/jumps every second. So for a 1 hour show, it is shortened to 20mins. All shows are shortened by one third. Some channels not shortened and even has no Audio/Sound. Anyone experiencing this? This is happening to all channels in this app since 12 April 2018.
HTV3 LIVE streaming dead on ChineseTV app- CCTV live super …
2018年4月7日 · HTV3 with the same problem here. Sports TV and Wonderful Playback hadn't worked the past couple of days. Now Mainland Chinese TV doesn't work but Wonderful Playback kinda works (but not really).
HTV IPTV Box — TVPadTalk
Discussion about the HTV box. Includes HTV2, HTV3, HTV5. 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … 15 » Discussion List
Problem with forward and rewind in HTV3 (both VOD and playback)
2016年1月29日 · During the video playing, click OK to pause the program, click the > once each 1 mins you want to go forward, same for rewind
My HTV3 Apps are gone — TVPadTalk
2018年5月12日 · When I turn on the htv3 box, all of the apps are gone. I tried to reset by pressing the menu button, it only has thde safe mode shows at the lower left corner.
HTV Box — TVPadTalk
2015年12月31日 · I just bought the 3 for $180 . I like the 7 days playback much better than TVpad
BlueTV vs. A2(HTV5) vs. deke.tv? — TVPadTalk
2017年3月31日 · moonbox has more older drama. if u need the same like moonbox,may be you should get ev pad. i think they are rebrand of moonbox.
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EvPad / MoonBox / iPlayer — TVPadTalk
Discussion about MoonBox, EVPad and services. Moonbox M3, M3s, iplayer