Harvard International Law Journal | The oldest and most-cited …
2025年3月4日 · The Harvard International Law Journal publishes scholarship on international law from authors around the world. The views expressed in HILJ articles represent the views of their authors; not those of the HILJ editorial board.
Health Information & Libraries Journal - Wiley Online Library
Health Information & Libraries Journal welcomes case studies, evaluations, and research reports outlining successful practices and research from the health information field. We welcome a broad scope of submissions relevant to health knowledge services, medical information, and library service workers.
Harvard International Law Journal Online
HILJ Online publishes short-form scholarship on international law from authors around the world. The views expressed in HILJ Online articles represent the views of their authors; not those of the HILJ editorial board.
About - Harvard International Law Journal
HILJ was “one of the ten most influential law journals in the world, based on research influence and impact factors,” in the Journal Citation Reports. HILJ articles have been cited in decisions by the United States Supreme Court, European Court of Justice, International Court of Justice, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, and World Trade ...
Harvard International Law Journal - 百度百科
HILJ 文章已在美国最高法院、欧洲法院、国际法院、伊朗-美国索赔法庭和世界贸易组织争议小组的裁决中引用。 [1-2] 哈佛法学院主办的国际法杂志。 《哈佛国际法杂志》发表有关国际法、比较法和外国法、国际法在美国法院中的作用以及美国国内法的国际影响的文章。 HILJ 文章已在美国最高法院、欧洲法院、国际法院、伊朗-美国索赔法庭和世界贸易组织争议小组的裁决中引用。
Harvard International Law Journal
The Harvard International Law Journal publishes articles on international, comparative, and foreign law, the role of international law in U.S. courts, and the international ramifications of U.S. domestic law.
Health Information & Libraries Journal - Wiley Online Library
Thank you for your interest in Health Information and Libraries Journal (HILJ). Here you will find author guidelines to assist you. HILJ publish three types of manuscript; review article, original article, regular feature article (Dissertations into Practice, International Perspectives and Initiatives, Teaching and Learning in Action).
Harvard International Law Journal - Wikipedia
The Harvard International Law Journal is a biannual academic journal of international law, [1] run and edited by students at Harvard Law School. The Journal is "the oldest and most-cited student-edited journal of international law." [2] .
Health Information and Libraries Journal | Wiley
Health Information and Libraries Journal (HILJ) is an international journal of interdisciplinary interest to practitioners, researchers, and students in the library and health sectors. Its objectives include promoting debate about new health information developments with an emphasis on communicating evidence-based information both in the ...
Harvard International Law Journal | LinkedIn
HILJ is considered “one of the ten most influential law journals in the world, based on research influence and impact factors,” in the Journal Citation Reports. HILJ articles have been...