Hong Kong College of Physicians - HKCP
Hong Kong College of Physicians. Announcement. ×. Please be informed that with a confirmed COVID-19 case in our College Secretariat, the College Secretariat is closed until further …
The college was established in October 1985 by the majority of trained specialists in Internal Medicine to promote for the public benefit the advancement of knowledge of the science and art of medicine.
Welcome to HKCP
2025年2月18日 · Maharashtra Educational Society’s H.K. College of Pharmacy (HKCP) is a fore-runner among the colleges of Pharmacy since its very year of inception in 2006. The faculty and staff of HKCP are dedicated to nurturing the dream of the founder President of HKCP ...
History and Mission - HKCP
The Hong Kong College of Medicine was established in 1887 for the purpose of training local Chinese in Western Medicine. Its founders' pioneering effort was amongst the earliest in Southeast Asia.
Hong Kong College of Physicians - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong College of Physicians is a professional body for physicians in Hong Kong. [1]
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HKCP 全港中小學抱石賽 2025 (第二站) – 香港攀爬樂園
目 的 : 本賽事旨在於全港中小學推廣攀石活動,藉着比賽作為學習平台,增進攀爬技術提升技術水平及從中領悟體育精神,從而共同推廣運動攀登,同時增進學校之間互動交流。 a. 名額 120 人。 (先到先得,額滿即止) b. 每名學生只可代表一間學校。 每間學校於每個組別最多可填報 4 名學生。 c. 請於報名表上按參賽之優先次序填寫參賽者姓名。 如參加人數超出名額,參賽者名單之次序將以各校所填報之優先次序決定 。 d. 主辦單位有權按各組別實際報名情況調整各組名額,參賽學校或參 …
Principles & Guidelines 2023-2025 (updated in Jan 2023) Operational Guidelines 2023-2025 (updated in Jan 2023) Record of CME/CPD Activities (For the new cycle of 2023-2025)
Incorporating the cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic health …
2025年2月25日 · Cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome has substantial implications for patients and society. The HKCP emphasises the need for collaborative interdisciplinary care within the CKM healthcare framework, integrating primary care, specialist care, and medical subspecialties to prevent complications and protect organs.
香港攀爬樂園 – 攀登 . 挑戰 . 培訓 . 玩樂
本賽事旨在於全港中小學推廣攀石活動,藉着比賽作為學習平台,增進攀爬技術提升技術水平及從中領悟體育精神,從而共同推廣運動攀登,同時增進學校之間互動交流。 特別為攀石初學者準備而設的入門班,讓新手可以短時間認識攀石的基本安全知識及防護技巧。 特別為攀石初學者準備而設的入門班,讓參加者能輕鬆掌握攀石玩法,投入抱石的無窮樂趣當中! 體驗班提供一個渠道,讓小朋友有機會接觸及體驗攀石樂趣。 運動攀登是一項具挑戰性的運動,既刺激亦可強身健體,非常 …
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