How do I spawn fused TNT at a players location through the …
2019年7月11日 · With this, you will execute a summon command to produce the tnt at the player's feet. execute <entity> ~ ~ ~ summon tnt ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:80} Replace <entity> with the player's name. If you want the tnt to detonate immediately, remove {Fuse:80} from the command. This specifies the number of ticks of delay before the tnt detonates.
What is the command to summon an ignited TNT block as of 1.20.4?
2024年1月17日 · To summon a TNT block through a command you can use (as Semlan Bakelsen suggested) the following: /summon minecraft:tnt ~ ~ ~ {fuse:1} As mentioned in this post you can use the execute command to summon a primed TNT at the player's feet: /execute at <entity> run summon minecraft:tnt ~ ~ ~ {fuse:80}
Spawn Lit TNT with command block? - Minecraft Forum
2021年1月22日 · I don't want to spawn PrimedTNT I just want to spawn a tnt block that has like just been lit (so it still has to take time to blow up). The lit TNT is the PrimedTnt entity. You need to apply the "Fuse" tag, which defaults to 80 ticks (4 seconds) when you light a TNT block, but defaults to 0 with the /summon command if not included:
How to summon tnt to a specific player’s location - Arqade
2021年3月16日 · I was thinking of trolling my friend in our survival world. Essentially, I’d like to be able to press a button on a command block that will summon tnt or spawn a mob at his location. I know how to spawn a mob or tnt, but I don’t know how to locate him. I’d tell you what I’ve tried, but to be perfectly honest I have no idea where to start.
minecraft java edition - Primed tnt command help - Arqade
2017年10月30日 · /summon tnt <x> <y> <z> You could also add data tag Fuse to increase the fused time: /summon tnt <x> <y> <z> {Fuse:80} Fuse specifies the number of ticks of delay before the explosion. In this case, 80 ticks would be about 4 seconds which is the default fuse time for tnt after striking it with flint and steel.
How can I summon TNT without causing damage to blocks?
2016年5月26日 · This isn't possible with TNT, however, this is possible using creepers with a fuse time of 0. If you want to replace the functionality of TNT, then this can also be done by looking for a TNT entity with a fuse of x, then summoning a creeper there with fuse 0 and killing the TNT. This does require mobGriefing=false, though –
How to summon a TNT that doesn't destroy its surroundings?
2021年3月11日 · When the TNT is about to explode, you need to spawn a creeper with a low fuse at its location, kill the TNT and quickly disable mob griefing. This can be accomplished by setting a scoreboard timer and checking if any creeper entities with a specific tag exist, and if not, enable mobGriefing again.
How to summon primed tnt at a mob - Minecraft Forum
2015年5月4日 · This will spawn primed TNT at the skeleton and it will detonate instantly. To make it detonate later (1 second) change the Fuse:1 to Fuse:20. I tested this by summoning a few skeletons inside a barrier cage and putting the command in a command block, then waiting until they moved around and pushing the button.
Summoning Multiple Tnt with one Command Block
2014年5月13日 · I built this tnt cannon the other day that uses command blocks and levers to propel the projectile different distances. However, there are a lot of command blocks used to spawn the different amounts of tnt in order throw the projectile. It there some sort of /summon command I can use to summon multiple primed tnt blocks?
How can I make a TNT arrow in Minecraft Bedrock? - Arqade
2023年4月29日 · As far as I know, In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, that command does not work. However, you could place a command block (only in creative mode with operator permission) set to repeat and enter the command */execute at @e[type=arrow] run summon tnt*. However, the tnt won't destroy the arrow.