HP38, doesn't seem to be very popular? - Brian Enos's Forums
2009年9月11日 · HP38 is not super sensitive, just more sensitive to temperature changes than some other, newer powders. Pressures and velocities rise and fall with temperature, but if you …
HP38 and 9mm - 9mm/38 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku …
2019年8月16日 · This with mostly 147 grain low power factor stuff (130ish PF) I shoot mostly in pistols but have just recently bought a PCC. I see most people don’t run the HP38. What …
9mm Steel Challenge loads with HP38 - Brian Enos's Forums
2023年11月28日 · First I have many 8# jugs of HP38 and am trying to be economical before buying more powder. I am looking to make very light loads for Steel Challenge PCC, 115gr …
HP-38 and 9mm - Ruger Forum
2015年9月7日 · When I use W231 (aka: HP38) powder in the 9mm, I've gotten the best results from a max charge for the bullet weight (115-124 gr). I have used AA #7 and Herco and gotten …
WW231 = HP-38? - 9mm/38 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku …
2010年1月25日 · Hodgdon and Winchester share the same powder from St Marks in Florida. HP38 and W231 are the exact same powder, called SMP #231. H414 is also the same exact …
HP38 load for 9mm or .380 - Ruger Forum
2014年10月24日 · Original post from 2014. I am sure the OP has things sorted out by now. HP38/231 work well in 9mm and 380. It has been my main go to powder for 9mm with 115gr …
40 minor with 165s and N320, sport pistol, hp38.... - Brian Enos's …
2023年5月2日 · This took my 4.5-4.6grains of hp38/sport pistol/n320, and made it slightly sub major. I have access to the 3 of those powders currently and am quite familiar with them. I …
45 ACP loads using N320, HP-38 or Tightgroup - Brian Enos's …
2015年9月12日 · For the past 15 years or so I have been reloading using Clays for my 45 ACP Government model 1911s. Have been quite satisfied using 4.3 grains with Billy Bullets 200 …
147gr FMJ-RN HP-38 - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!
2013年8月3日 · HP38 and 231 are the same powder so Lyman lists 3.5-4.1 for TMJ @ 1.115. Thanks for the intel Dirty Rod. I have Nosler and Lee reloading manuals and neither have …
WST/HP-38 Major - 10mm/40 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums
2014年2月7日 · What is the max overall length your chamber and mags can take. Both those powders are perfectly fine for 40 major depending on the OAL. Wst will probably be a little too …