Micro Sprinkler-PRODUCT CATEGORIES-HYRT-Micro Sprinkler …
Micro Sprinkler HYRT-Micro Sprinkler-Midsize Sprinkler-Pesticide It is suitable for greenhouse, garden, green space and fruit tree. The product is complete, the spray is even, the coverage is wide. Reasonable design, easy installation, beautiful and practical.
2022年12月5日 · hyrt-hs30 型号: hyrt-hs30 付款方式:d/p, west-u, paypal, 信用卡在线付款,微信,支付宝 产品产地: 济南市 颜色:灰色(可自定义颜色) 装运港: 济南市 交货时间: 20天
联系我们-山东鸿源润通节水灌溉有限公司-微喷 ... - HYRT
山东鸿源润通节水灌溉有限公司-微喷系列-中型喷头-扇形喷头 联系我们 公司主要产品为微喷头、中喷头、摇臂喷头、滴头、滴灌管带、微喷带及配套管件和过滤器施肥器等
HYRT-S3-HYRT-Micro Sprinkler-Midsize Sprinkler-Pesticide
2022年12月5日 · CERTIFICATE Shandong HYRT water-saving irrigation Co.,LTD.is one of the professional irrigation system manufacturer and servicer in china. Our products include micro-sprinkler system,drip irrigation system,filter system,fertilizer system,garden watering kit,tubing and their fittings ect which are all manufactured bythe advanced technology and good quality materials,widely apply in agricultural ...
Impact Sprinkler&Rain Gun-PRODUCT CATEGORIES-HYRT-Micro …
Impact Sprinkler&Rain Gun HYRT-Micro Sprinkler-Midsize Sprinkler-Pesticide Rocker sprinkler is a commonly used open-air sprinkler equipment, which is an important irrigator in irrigation equipment.
Compression Fitting-PRODUCT CATEGORIES-HYRT-Micro …
TEL:0086-531-76130108. E-Mail:18606348185@lwhyrt. com. E-Mail:[email protected]
2022年12月5日 · hyrt-s30-2 型号: hyrt-s30-2 付款方式:d/p, west-u, paypal, 信用卡在线付款,微信,支付宝 产品产地: 济南市 颜色:黑色(可自定义颜色) 装运港: 济南市 交货时间: 20天
Company Profile_HYRT-Micro Sprinkler-Midsize Sprinkler-Pesticide
HYRT is committed to the research, production and sales of water saving irrigation products, We are focused on the development of new irrigation equipments.
Big Swing Sprinkler-HYRT-Micro Sprinkler-Midsize Sprinkler …
Shandong HYRT water-saving irrigation Co.,LTD.is one of the professional irrigation system manufacturer and servicer in china.
Compression PP-PP-HYRT-Micro Sprinkler-Midsize Sprinkler …
Shandong HYRT water-saving irrigation Co.,LTD.is one of the professional irrigation system manufacturer and servicer in china.