Indeed the provision of a common forum for discussion, education and research information transfer between the diverse disciplines represented is the main “raison d’être” of IACM.
World Congresses on Computational Mechanics – IACM.info
2022年8月5日 · As established by the Constitution of IACM, the World Congresses on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) rotate on a two year cycle between the three geographical regions of IACM.
The IACM Fellows Award
The IACM Fellows Award recognizes up to 8 individuals with a distinguished record of research accomplishment and publication in areas of computational mechanics, and demonstrated support of the IACM through membership and participation in the Association, its meetings and activities.
Membership - IACM.info
The institutional membership category is open to non-profit research institutes, scientific and/or technical societies and universities, whose activities include the objectives of IACM. Active IACM members receive the following benefits:
Programme - dte_aicomas_2025.iacm.info
A data-driven neural network trained on CFD simulation results for RANS equations for site and wind resource assessment. Z. Lakdawala, H. Kassem, M. Nadeem; A Three-Dimensional Machine Learning Volume Of Fluid Method
Munich will host WCCM_ECCOMAS 2026 - IACM.info
2023年6月9日 · Munich will host next WCCM _ECCOMAS 2026. Organizing Team and Local Hosts: Host Organization: GACM Co-Chairs: Wolfgang A. Wall, Technical University of Munich Alexander Popp, University of the Bundeswehr Munich Marek Behr, RWTH Aachen University Ekkehard Ramm, University of Stuttgart (Honorary Chair) Save the date and see you in …
23nd IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC 2025)
1 天前 · 23nd IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC 2025) 17-20 March, 2025, Santiago de Chile
Open Call to host CFC 2025_ 23rd IACM Computational Fluids …
2023年7月20日 · With this document, letters of intent are invited from current IACM members for hosting the 23rd IACM Computational Fluids Conference. According to the IACM Rotation Policy, the next CFC should be held, in principle, in Spring 2025 and in The Americas region.
IACM Expressions - IACM.info
Expressions has consolidated in the past years as the IACM publication to communicate and spread IACM activities among its members. The current Editor of Expressions is Antonio Huerta.
Open Call for MS for the WCCM-ECCOMAS 2026 19-24 July 2026 …
2024年12月18日 · Dear colleague, Dear friend, We are advancing in the organization of one of the largest upcoming events of our community: the joint WCCM-ECCOMAS 2026 in Munich. We invite you to participate in this distinguished scientific and technical event by submitting a proposal to organize a minisymposium in a topic close to your expertise.. In accordance with the …