International Science Council
Uniting the world through science . The International Science Council harnesses the universal language of science to catalyse and convene scientific expertise, advice and influence on issues of major concern to both science and society, through a unique global membership of natural and social sciences and humanities.
A brief history - International Science Council
ICSU brought together scientists from around the world working on the most important modern scientific questions. The organization encouraged international scientific cooperation and addressed research challenges through an array of Interdisciplinary Bodies, partnered with other organizations on Joint Initiatives and coordinated international programmes – among them the …
History: ICSU and climate change - International Science Council
2015年6月21日 · Since the 1950s, the International Council for Science (ICSU) has played a pioneering role in the development of climate science at the international level, principally by generating mechanisms to orient and complement research undertaken at the national level.
Who we are - International Science Council
The ISC’s unique global membership brings together 250 international scientific unions and associations, national and regional scientific organizations including academies and research councils, international federations and societies, and young academies and associations.
História: ICSU e mudanças climáticas - International Science Council
Desde a década de 1950, o Conselho Internacional para a Ciência (ICSU) tem desempenhado um papel pioneiro no desenvolvimento da ciência do clima em nível internacional, principalmente ao gerar mecanismos para orientar e complementar as pesquisas realizadas em nível nacional.
国际科学理事会 (ICSU) 推出新网站 - International Science Council
国际科学理事会 (ICSU) 是世界上历史最悠久的独立非政府科学组织之一,它推出了一个全新的网站 (www.icsu.org)。 多元化的内容和欢乐的风格反映了 ICSU 的跨学科方法和对国际科学合作的长期承诺。
简史 - 国际科学理事会 - International Science Council
国际科学理事会汇集了来自世界各地的科学家,致力于解决最重要的现代科学问题。该组织鼓励国际科学合作,并通过一系列跨学科机构应对研究挑战,与其他组织合作开展联合倡议,并协调国际计划——其中包括 2007-2008 年 国际极地年, 1964-1974 国际生物计划 以及 1957-1958 年 国际地 …
Historia: ICSU y cambio climático - International Science Council
Desde la década de 1950, el Consejo Internacional para la Ciencia (ICSU) ha jugado un papel pionero en el desarrollo de la ciencia del clima a nivel internacional, principalmente generando mecanismos para orientar y complementar las investigaciones realizadas a nivel nacional.
Review of Targets for the Sustainable Development Goals: The …
2015年2月3日 · Introduction. The SDGs offer a “major improvement” over their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, this report by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC) finds that of the 169 targets beneath the 17 draft goals, just 29% are well defined and based on the latest scientific …
What we do - International Science Council
Speak for the value of all science and the need for evidence-informed understanding and decision-making at all levels, from local to global.; Stimulate and support international, interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly among Members of the Council, on scientific research and scholarship on issues of global concern.; Articulate scientific knowledge on issues of …