International Year of Forests - US Forest Service
2013年3月25日 · The United Nations (UN) General Assembly has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests to bolster efforts to promote sustainable management, conservation and development of forests worldwide.
19 61年国际定向联合会( IOF)在丹麦哥本哈根成立。 现有成员国63个。 国际定联是世界定向运动的行政实体,是 国际体育联合会总会 之一。 定向运动也是国际承认的奥林匹克体育项目。 除号码布,地图及控制卡由赛会供应外, 运动员 应携带指北针。 基於安全,哨子是运动员备的用具。 如参加夺分式定向赛更应带有手表。 服装方面,应以轻便,舒适及易於活动为隹,过紧和太厚的衫裤使你举步难移。 远足经验较浅的,可穿旅行靴,保护脚腕。 有经验的运动员可穿上比赛用 …
I.Y.O.F: What does IYOF mean in International? International...
2024年9月29日 · The International Year of Forests (IYOF) is a United Nations initiative that serves to raise awareness and promote sustainable management, conservation, and sustainable development of the world's forests.
What does IYOF stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Find out what is the full meaning of IYOF on Abbreviations.com! 'International Year Of Freshwater' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
IYOF International Year of Forests - All Acronyms
2025年3月3日 · The abbreviation IYOF stands for International Year of Forests and is mostly used in the following categories: Forest, Environment, Tree, Nation. Whether you're exploring these categories or simply seeking a quick definition, this page provides comprehensive information on …
NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
You are here: NJ Forestry Services > Celebrate IYOF in NJ > Resources Events Local Forests Forest Facts Resources Resources Learn more about forests International Year of Forests - US Celebration United Nations - International Year of Forests Arbor Day Foundation Smokey Bear The Working Forest DVD documentaryNew Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Home | International Orienteering Federation
IOF’s Environment and Sustainability Commission has published the “Climate Transition Action Plan to Net Zero.” The plan was approved and adopted by the IOF Council during its meetings in January. The p... IOF has an intense focus to constantly improve the quality and fairness for our World Championships and World Cups.
“Forests and Me” – WWF-Malaysia talks to Malaysians on the street
9th September 2011, Petaling Jaya – 2011 has been declared International Year of Forests (IYoF) by the United Nations to raise awareness on conservation, sustainable development and management of all types of forests. In recognition of the IYoF 2011, WWF International’s Forest Programme has embar
IOF | International Orienteering Federation
Box 9033, SE-650 09 Karlstad, SWEDEN[email protected]
iyof - 阿美語萌典
參見 Mi'iyof 學習詞表-秀姑巒阿美語 秀姑巒阿美語 (詞幹: iyof)吹風,吹(火)。