The JMBG Network - Quality. Reliable. Innovative. Solutions.
2021年8月21日 · The JMBG Network's Home Page. We are a Networking, Wiring and Electronics Installation company based in Waterloo. We provide Quality Seamless electronic solutions.
JMBG Group
JMBG Group. We generate the revenue and profit we need to develop and build and develop our future. We create jobs and commit to them on a long term basis.
JMBG Gruppe
JMBG Gruppe. Wir erwirtschaften den für die erfolgreiche Weiterentwicklung und Zukunftssicherung des Unternehmens notwendigen Gewinn. Damit schaffen, erhalten und gestalten wir Arbeitsplätze und entwickeln unsere Zukunft.
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jmbg是什么意思? - 百度知道
2024年4月13日 · jmbg是什么意思?JMBG是指“Jedinstveni mati?ni broj gra?ana”(塞尔维亚语),翻译成英语是“Unique Master Citizen Number”(UMCN),即公民身份唯一编号。JMBG是一个由13位数字组成的编号,包含了公民的个人信
Unique Master Citizen Number - Wikipedia
The JMBG was introduced in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on January 8, 1977 [1] and applied to all citizens born before then and alive at the time. All six republics passed a law on the Unique Master Citizen Number. Although the Republic of Croatia continued to use the JMBG after gaining independence [2] in 2002 the official name of …
Unique Master Citizen Number in Montenegro - adriacom.me
‘DD MM YYY RR BBB K’ Example JMBG: 0704986 22 5004, whereas the first 7 bold digits represent the date of birth (07.04.1986) of the individual, the two underlined numbers the municipality in which the person was born (for Montenegro natives) or where his/her residence permit was issued (22 is the code for the coastal city of Bar),
Kako saznati JMBG? - TAKO.hr
Recimo da si rođen u Splitu, sada ti je JMBG: 011098738. 3. Spolni i redni broj. BBB je kombinacija oznake spola i rednog broja za osobe rođene istog datuma i ide za muški od 000-499 i ženski od 500-999. Ovaj broj ne možeš otkriti, tako da …
Koji je moj jmbg - Arz.hr
Kako saznati JMBG broj? JMBG se dodjeljuje prilikom rođenja ili stjecanja državljanstva, a izdavanje broja je nadležnost policijskih uprava odnosno policijske postaje na temelju prebivališta osobe koja šalje zahtjev.