The JPPA is a seven-step process that essentially recapitulates the joint planning process (JPP) at the component level. It culminates in the production of the joint air operations plan (JAOP) or a Service component plan, as well as supporting plans and orders.
joint operation planning process (JOPP) is an orderly, analytical process that consists of a logical set of steps to analyze a mission, select the best course of action, and produce a joint operation plan or order. 2 Early operational design focuses on conceptual planning.
The Joint Planning Process (JPP) is an orderly, analytical process, which consists of a set of logical steps to examine a mission; develop, analyze, and compare alternative COAs; select the best COA; and produce a plan or order. The application of operational design as explained in Chapter IV of JP 5-0 provides the conceptual basis for ...
This publication is the keystone document for joint planning. It provides the doctrinal foundation and fundamental principles that guide the Armed Forces of the United States in planning joint campaigns and operations.
2019年3月18日 · It is a compilation of joint policies, processes, procedures, tools, training, education, and stakeholders associated with developing and implementing plans and orders to further strategic objectives.
Joint operation planning involves a sequential process performed simultaneously at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war. At the strategic level, this planning involves the development of strategic military objectives and tasks in support of national security strategy.
Under the larger APEX “umbrella,” joint operation planning for contingencies is divided into deliberate and crisis action planning (CAP). Deliberate planning in the context of APEX is a process that is used to develop global and theater campaign plans, which
Joint operation planning is a sequential process performed simultaneously at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war. Planning for joint Joint operation planning encompasses planning for the operations includes: full range of activities …
2017年9月28日 · Whether planning for the long-term campaign that directs daily activities, developing a contingency plan, or planning in a time-constrained environment in response to a crisis, the planning process continues to follow the time-tested steps from initia-tion and problem identification through mission analysis and course-of-action development to ap...