jsni - Calling GWT Java function from JavaScript - Stack Overflow
2013年4月18日 · Note that JSNI only allows you to pass primitive types (except long) and JavaScriptObject objects. So when passing a javascript array, you have to receive it with a JavaScriptObject like in the example. In this case, since javascript only uses a type for numbers, args.getNumber will return always a double, and you have to convert in java.
gwt - JSNI (call from javascript to java) - Stack Overflow
2012年3月19日 · In general in JSNI methods you need to tell GWT what the parameter types are, or you can use the shortcut (*) which tells GWT to figure it out for itself. This works in most cases as far as I've seen.
GWT JSNI and return function - need advice - Stack Overflow
2011年7月6日 · I was looking all around the samples but still can't get it... How to write such kind of function in JSNI as function test(a) { return a+' is parameter'; } I mean to be able get JS function ret...
jsni - GWT - Calling instance method from external javascript
2013年3月7日 · You also need to actually call the method, not only reference it: in JSNI, the first pair of parens are for the formal parameters (to disambiguate overloads), and you need another pair passing the actual arguments: [email protected]::refreshModuleJava()().
GWT: Can Java method be called from external JavaScript instead …
2012年12月30日 · This way, when the JSNI method compiles, it correctly calls the doSomething() Java method, and that method call is correctly passed in its entirety to the external JavaScript function. Share Improve this answer
Java Hashmap and Mutlidimensional array type sig in JSNI?
2012年5月20日 · This gives the JSNI a HashMap of type <Object, Object>. I'm then handling the object on the other side by casting the contents of the hashmap into strings. Thanks to rusty for the links: GWT JSNI doc - This is good for getting the correct formatting of primitives. GWT Blog post on JSNI - Hadn't seen this blog before
Passing callback to a JSNI function in GWT - Stack Overflow
2019年7月2日 · My GWT app is designed to have an iframe with another web app (not GWT this time) embedded in it. This embedded app expects to be able to call some APIs in my parent app like so: window.parent.f(
javascript - how to implement JSNI in GWT - Stack Overflow
2012年3月11日 · I have experience in GWT but know nothing about JSNI or Javascript . i am searching for few days for JSNI now but i am not able to understand how to implement JSNI in my GWT project. where and how i will add a javascript file in my GWT project, where i will write my javascript? and then i want to call a javascript method from java/GWT
java - How to pass a GWT method as a parameter into a Javascript ...
2012年7月11日 · There is a JSNI Javascript function called: private native void registerErrorHandler() The native javascript function calls another function from a third party Javascript library: foo.attachEvent("EventName", handlerReference); Functionality
gwt/jsni- Pass a String from external JS to Java
2012年1月8日 · Another way of printing debug messages is to use the method com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT.log(String). That way, it will be visible in the console utility for the hosted mode.