Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 88 is a twin-engined multirole combat aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works. It was used extensively during the Second World War by the Luftwaffe and became one of …
Junkers Ju 88G - Plane-Encyclopedia
Developed from converted fighter versions of the Ju 88A-4 medium bomber, the Ju 88G would take up a growing role in the German night fighter force, as it saw its greatest successes in the Spring of 1944, and its decline in the Autumn of that same year.
Junkers Ju88G-6 `Nachtjäger´, Hasegawa E32 (2010) - Scalemates
Note: Prices and availability are indications only. Also check if the product actually matches!
容克-88轰炸机 - 百度百科
1939年9月26日,赫尔姆特波勒(HelmutPohle)上尉率领隶属第30轰炸机联队的4架Ju-88,于13:00(下午1时)自瑟特(SYI日岛威斯特兰(Westerland)机场出发,攻击由战列舰“ 胡德 ”(Hood)号、“声望”(Renown)号以及 航空母舰 “皇家方舟”号(ArkRoyal)所组成的小型舰队。 除一枚炸弹擦过“胡德“号且未爆炸之外,英国舰队毫发未损,可是驾驶Ju-88的 一等兵 卡罗弗兰克却宣称其所投掷的500公斤炸弹命中了皇家方舟号。 于是纳粹宣传单位添油加醋地发表“皇家 …
Dragon Ju 88 G-6 "Nachtjäger" - IPMS Deutschland
Als eines dieser Modelle entstand auch die hier vorgestellte Junkers Ju 88 G-6, eine Nachtjägerversion dieses von der deutschen Luftwaffe während des 2. Weltkrieges eingesetzten Mehrzweckflugzeuges. Der Zusammenbau des Modells gestaltet sich relativ problemlos.
【参考资料】二战德空的万能轰炸机——Ju 88轰炸机 - 知乎
Ju 88G型为夜间战斗型,以C-6型为基础发展而来,更换了Ju 188的机尾,垂尾翼尖由圆形改为方角型,安装BMW801G型引擎,加装了4门MG151型20毫米机炮,SN-2型雷达及其他设备,最初为三人机组,后来为了减轻乘员的工作强度,增加了第四名乘员。 G-6型更换了BMW801G型引擎,并在机尾也加装了雷达天线,还配备了斜射炮系统。 G-6c型更换了1750马力的Jumo213A型引擎,G-7型换装了Jumo213E型引擎,配备了多种型号的雷达及电子设备,最终的G-7c型安装了带 …
Ju-88G-6 'Nachtjäger', Dragon 5509 (1993) - Scalemates
We don't know about any in-box reviews for this Ju-88G-6 'Nachtjäger' (#5509) from Dragon. All articles » (53 in total) All books » (80 in total) All walkarounds » (4 in total)
德国人的万能博士——JU-88 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这是一架 悬臂式下单翼的双引擎中型轰炸机,由两台 戴姆勒奔驰DB 600 液冷发动机提供动力,起飞时额定功率为1000马力,当然从V3之后的原型机用的是 Jumo-211,功率为1200匹马力。 (再之后用的BMW-801和Jumo-213都有,那是之后的事情了。 然后,从V2开始,重新改造了装有DB 600Aa的发动机短舱,并拆除了下方的散热器,代之以环形的散热器。 所以 看起来它的液冷发动机不是尖的,而类似于气冷发动机的样子,并且沿用到之后的生产型JU-88上了。 本来飞机挺流 …
Junkers Ju 88 G-6 by Chris Wauchop (Dragon 1/48) - HyperScale
Dragon's first all-new release was a 1/48 scale Junkers Ju 88 G-6 in 1993. The Junkers Ju 88 maintained the high standards of Trimaster, featuring excellent detail and subtle surface features. Crisply recessed panel lines were supplemented with selected rivets and raised panels as …
ICM Ju-88G6?? - HyperScale Forums - Tapatalk
2025年2月15日 · Are the ICM Ju88's a huge leap over the older Dragon ones? The impression I have had is that they are not all that much better, just maybe easier to build. Or am I being a curmudgeon again? Waiting for a JU-188. Well if we're just shouting wish lists into the void, I want a 1/48 Ju 288 and 388. So there, LOL. Waiting for a JU-188.
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