Jund - MTG Wiki
Jund is composed of active volcanoes, sharp mountain ledges, and lush jungles. It has a pungent sulfuric atmosphere. The hot climate, bubbling tar-baths, and volcanic activity combine with the reptilian populace to create a sense of a primeval world. The land has deep-cut valleys in it that resemble huge claw marks if seen from above.
JUND Gene - GeneCards | JUND Protein | JUND Antibody
2024年12月25日 · JUND (JunD Proto-Oncogene, AP-1 Transcription Factor Subunit) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with JUND include Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type I and T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Among its related pathways are IL-1 Family Signaling Pathways and ESR-mediated signaling.
Jund - Wikipedia
Under the early Caliphates, a jund (Arabic: جند; plural ajnad, أجناد) was a military division, which became applied to Arab military territory in the conquered lands and, most notably, to the provinces into which Greater Syria (the Levant) was divided. Jund later acquired various meanings throughout the Muslim world.
JunD 原癌基因,AP-1 转录因子亚基(JUND)基因 | MCE
The protein encoded by this intronless gene is a member of the JUN family, and a functional component of the AP1 transcription factor complex. This protein has been proposed to protect cells from p53-dependent senescence and Apoptosis.
JunD抗体 (D-9) | SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
jun d抗体(d-9)是一种igg1 κ小鼠单克隆jun d抗体(也称为jund抗体),可通过wb、ip、if、ihc(p)和elisa检测小鼠、大鼠和人类来源的jun d蛋白。 Jun D抗体(D-9)既有非偶联抗Jun D抗体形式,也有多种偶联形式的抗Jun D抗体,包括琼脂糖、HRP、PE、FITC和多种Alexa Fluor®偶联 ...
JunD是一种属于多功能激活剂蛋白-1(activating protein-1,AP-1) 家族的转录因子,可以激活或抑制多种靶基因的表达.在生长发育过程中,在各种细胞类型中都呈现出组成性表达.近20年的临床数据及分子生物学研究表明,JunD蛋白的功能受多个复杂过程调控,包括转录 ...
The 30 Best Jund Cards in Magic Ranked - Draftsim
2024年9月25日 · Whether you’re smashing faces with big creatures or using devious spells to mess with your opponent’s plans, Jund has some of the best cards around to make your deck truly terrifying.
JunD的结构功能特征及其在肿瘤发展中的作用 - pku.edu.cn
JunD是一种属于多功能激活剂蛋白-1 (activating...
The Ultimate Guide to Classic Jund Midrange - TCGplayer Infinite
2025年2月13日 · Thought classic Jund Midrange was dead? Think again. Learn to play the deck like a pro with Reid Duke's in-depth Deep Dive!
JunD保护细胞免受p53依赖的衰老和凋亡。,Molecular Cell - X-MOL
JunD是Jun家族和AP-1转录因子复合体中表达最广泛的成员。 缺乏JunD的原代成纤维细胞显示p53依赖性生长停滞,p19(Arf)表达上调和过早衰老。 相反,缺乏JunD的永生细胞系显示出增加的增殖和更高的cyclinD1水平。