JVCV Valve Sizing Software - Jordan Valve
The JVCV is a valve sizing program that helps you quickly and accurately determine the flow coefficient of a valve so that you can choose the proper Jordan valve for your application. The new program will warn if cavitation flow is present, whether you have flashing flow or not, and will calculate noise level per IEC standards.
Home - Jordan Valve
Need Help Sizing A Valve? Use the JVCV! The JVCV-SVCV is a valve sizing program that helps you quickly and accurately determine the flow coefficient of a valve so that you can choose the proper Jordan valve for your application.
Sizing Software Archives - Jordan Valve
The JVCV is a valve sizing program that helps you quickly and accurately determine the flow coefficient of a valve so that you can choose the proper Jordan valve for your application.
JVCV Download - Determines
Designed for engineers, the JVCV is a valve sizing program that has been developed to help you quickly and accurately determine the flow coefficient of a valve so that you can choose the proper Jordan valve for your application.
日本胜利公司 - 百度百科
日本胜利公司(日本ビクター 株式会社,Victor Company of Japan, Limited),公司英文简称为JVC;在中国大陆、台湾也可使用正式译名杰伟世;香港曾译作星牌,但于1990年代开始已经甚少人用这个译名。 JVC是一间日本消费性与专业 电子企业,总部设在日本 横滨,成立于1927年。 该公司最为人熟悉就是展示日本第一台电视机及发明了VHS系统。 JVC以“日本胜利者 留声机 公司”(日本ビクター蓄音器株式会社)一名成立于1927年9月13日,是当时美国留声机及 黑胶唱 …
JVCV (free) download Windows version
2024年5月4日 · Download JVCV for free. JVCV - Designed for engineers, the JVCV is a valve sizing program that has been developed to help you quickly and accurately...
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JVCV - SVCV Valve Sizing Software - Steriflow Valve
The JVCV-SVCV is a valve sizing program that helps you quickly and accurately determine the flow coefficient of a valve so that you can choose the proper Steriflow valve for your application. The new program will warn if cavitation flow is present, whether you have flashing flow or not, and will calculate noise level per IEC standards.
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