KNCV Created Date: 10/12/2012 07:51:00 Title: Autorisatieformulier Osiris-NTR Last modified by: rivm-er Company: KNCV ...
KNCV is the lead partner in Challenge TB (CTB), the current United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded 5-year global project to decrease TB mortality and morbidity in high burdened countries.
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2016年6月6日 · KNCV is the lead partner in Challenge TB (CTB), the current United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded 5-year global project to decrease TB mortality and morbidity in high burdened countries.
Sinds 1990 worden er jaarlijks nascholingsdagen georganiseerd voor medisch technisch medewerkers. Deze dagen werden eerst door KNCV Tuberculosefonds georganiseerd. Sinds 2013 ligt de organisatie in handen van de Nascholingscommissie van de beroepsvertegenwoordiging voor MTM’ers KNCV Tuberculosefonds heeft nu een …
The USAID TB Control Program is five-year program effective from September 2014-September 2019 and implemented by Project HOPE as lead partner and KNCV as sub-contractor to support implementation of objectives and activities set in National TB Strategy.
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Het overzicht betreft het landelijk beschikbare voorlichtingsmateriaal, zoals te vinden is op de website van KNCV Tuberculosefonds. Naast het landelijke voorlichtingsmateriaal wordt er wellicht ook nog gebruikgemaakt van lokaal ontwikkeld materiaal, dat is in dit overzicht buiten beschouwing gelaten.
DATE. 17 September 2014. YOUR REF. OUR REF. 18.204/FrC/U.14.CaL. SUBJECT. Invitation TSRU meeting 2015. 2. PARKSTRAAT 17PHONE +31 70 416 72 22. PO BOX 146FAX +31 70 358 40 04
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation. Funded by: United States Agency for International Development. Table of Contents. Abbreviations3. Introduction4. Purpose of Request for Proposals5. Scope of work5. Geographic focus6. Application process7. General guidelines for developing requests for proposals7. Eligibility criteria7. Budget and funding period8 ...
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Abstract Submission Form . Joint Uniting Streams - NVTG symposium “Innovative Alliances for Global Health - New Partnerships: New Solutions?” Wednesday 26th September 2012