KT Rolster - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
KT Rolster (Korean: KT 롤스터) is a Korean professional gaming organization owned by KT Corporation. Before the Korean restructuring, KT fielded two sister teams, KT Rolster Arrows and KT Rolster Bullets which were created by the organization on October 10, 2012.
KT Rolster - Liquipedia League of Legends Wiki
With 3 of the 5 Worlds 2022 winners, KT Rolster was the only team to take a match win against Gen.G in the Spring season, though they ended 5 th after losing 2-3 to Dplus in the first round of Playoffs. KT's performance became more dynamic in the Summer season. They started the season with a 4-loss streak, which was then followed by a 5-win streak.
KT Rolster - 百度百科
KT Rolster是一家韩国电子竞技俱乐部,简称KT战队,涉及《星际争霸》《英雄联盟》《英雄联盟手游》等项目,现为韩国LCK联盟的创始成员之一,与SK Telecom T1并称为“韩国电信豪门双雄”。
KT Rolster - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
KT Rolster(韓語:kT 롤스터,簡稱KT或KTR) 是一家由 KT 冠名贊助的韓國 電子競技 俱樂部,該俱樂部為 KeSPA 成員。 該俱樂部成立於1999年,當時的名稱為Raptors,2001年,該俱樂部獲得KT冠名贊助並更名為KTF MagicNs,2009年,該俱樂部更名為KT Fingerboom,同年8月,該俱樂部改為現名。 該俱樂部的《星海爭霸》分部曾取得2屆Proleague戰隊聯賽總冠軍,與 SK Telecom T1 並稱為「韓國電信豪門雙雄」,此外還曾先後培養出 YellOw 、 Reach (韓 …
KT Rolster - Wikipedia
kt Rolster is a South Korean multi-gaming organization founded in 1999 with Korea Telecom as its head sponsor. A member of the Korean e-Sports Association, KT Rolster holds one of the richest and most successful StarCraft teams in the world, as well as one of the most successful League of Legends teams in Korea.
战队 KT (KT Rolster) LoL, 成员,奖项,比赛,数据统计 - ggScore
KT 成员 : PerfecT, Cuzz, Bdd, deokdam, Way. • IS OPERATED BY GAMEAGEVENTURES LLP 80 Sidney Street, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 6HQ
All about KT Rolster - News, matches, tournaments, awards, players
2025年1月14日 · Welcome to the official website of KT Rolster, one of the greatest esports teams in the world of League of Legends! Here you can dive into the world of professional esports and follow all the events related to our team.
KT Rolster - Liquipedia Esports Wiki
KT Rolster is a Korean esports organization whose parent company is KT.
KT Rolster/Statistics/2023 - Leaguepedia | League of Legends
Team: KT Rolster - Showing Values Per Game - Open As Query; 130 Total Games Played on 82 Champions
KT Rolster - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
KT Rolster (韩语: kT 롤스터 ,简称KT或KTR) 是一家由KT冠名赞助的韩国电子竞技俱乐部,该俱乐部为KeSPA成员。 该俱乐部成立于1999年,当时的名称为Raptors,2001年,该俱乐部获得KT冠名赞助并更名为KTF MagicNs,2009年,该俱乐部更名为KT Fingerboom,同年8月,该俱 …