KT88 superthread. - diyAudio
2020年10月5日 · Shuguang KT88-T. (Tressure series) With black coating, purpose of the coating unknown. RSD. FullMusic KT88/c with carbon plates. Definitely the use of carbon is not …
KT88 Stereo Schematic and help - diyAudio
2012年2月7日 · OddWatt Audio 5751 SRPP / KT88 Push-Pull Monoblock Tube Amplifier Kits If so, that would make a nice amp but it is a mono-block. The title of your post says "stereo". If …
KT88 amplifier - diyAudio
2022年1月16日 · Even with well matched KT88 tubes, then . . . Either use Adjustable Fixed Bias for each tube (and individual 10 Ohm cathode resistors to ground, so you can measure the …
Triode comparison - EL34, 6L6, 5881, KT88, 6550 etc | diyAudio
2024年9月4日 · I went through a phase of triode-wiring beam outputs and power pentodes. I tried 7591, 6550A, EL34, 6L6GC, 6P3S-E, 6P3S, and 6V6GTA/B.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2015年10月9日 · No the kt-120s are a better stable tube then the kt-88 to bias in the cad-120 I have noticed. Plus you Bias them same as you would regular kt-88's.
KT88 Bias Adjustment - diyAudio
2006年2月28日 · I have the problem with my KT88 PP stereo integrated amp to set bias voltages of KT88 of which scheme as below; If I set Vk to the same value by adjusting the pots for both …
KT88 SE advice sought - diyAudio
2017年1月10日 · Using a KT88 in Triode mode gives a plate resistance of perhaps 800 to 1200 Ohms, depending on the voltages and currents. The grid to plate gain with a reasonable load …
KT88 vs. KT90 bench test - diyAudio
2004年12月21日 · This is noticeable in the mid and upper frrequency ranges where the JJ KT88 has far better linearisation and internal feedback damping properties. Aren’t things …
Please help to choose schematics for a KT88 PP - diyAudio
2018年1月16日 · Dear Colleagues, My father and I made our first SE tube amplifier and now are preparing to create a more powerful KT88 PP. In the internet, I have found several schematics …
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2018年5月23日 · Verbosity is good as hand signals or morse code rarely gets the point across around here. In recent years I tried (mostly in a factory modded Jolida 502P I recently …