KW-7 Orestes - Crypto Museum
Electronic cipher machine KW-7 was a highly secure on-line cipher machine, developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA) around 1960, and built by Honeywell in Tampa (Florida, USA). The device was used for low-level tactical offline teleprinter traffic and was the main cipher machine of the US Navy until the 1990s.
The KW-7 was the most widely used code machine in the free world. It was developed by NSA for use in portable-tactical environs and was designed as a mobile crypto unit versus the other heavy cumbersome US machines in use.
KW-7 (Orestes) - jproc.ca
It was an on-line, send/receive crypto unit installed in shore stations and aboard ships. In one application, it was used for ship to shore and for intership radioteletype communications.
KW-7 and KW-26 Crypto Machines - CIA - The World Factbook
The KW-7 (the smaller unit on top) provided station-to-station communications and featured solid-state circuitry, a rugged housing, and a sealed lid to prevent electro-magnetic emanations. Convicted spy John A. Walker compromised the KW-7 by selling its key cards to the Soviets from 1967 to 1985. KW-7: 38.1 cm x 36.5 cm x 28.5 cm. (L x W x H)
TSEC/KW-7 Cabinet Info - Navy Radio
TSEC/KW-7 Cabinet Info. Back to Main Crypto Page; Back to Main US Naval Communications Page; Please send me email with more info, corrections, suggestions, etc.; Motivation - gathering info that might be useful in fabricating a KW-7 look-alike for museum, etc. display
JFKCountercoup2: KW-7
It was an on-line, send/receive crypto unit installed in shore stations and aboard ships. In one application, it was used for ship to shore and for intership radioteletype communications.
Kindle7晒单图片 | Kindle7和Kindle Paperwhite2的区别_什么值得买
2016年5月4日 · 越来越多的人使用Kindle阅读,但是买499版的,还是899版的,相信不少人犹豫过,简单开箱及对比,给大家提供点参考。 楼主是重度懒癌患者,自从认识张大妈以来,曾多次想写个开箱及简评,如Garmin Forerunner 235开箱及与Vivosmart和 小米 手环对比、大行P8+我的4+2骑行生活、土木工程毕业生聊聊房屋装修等,都想向张大妈及张大妈的子民们汇报沟通下,但鉴于病入膏肓,一拖再拖。 凑巧入了白色版499元的Kindle7代,就从7代的开箱开始慢慢治疗 …
The KW-7 - quadibloc.com
This page discusses the KW-7, an early electronic cipher machine used by the U.S. Navy.
德国日期 KW7/2010表示的是什么时候 - 百度知道
2010年1月13日 · KW 是德语 Kalen wochen 的意思,表示日历周,KW7/2010也就是2010日历上的第七周。