How to identify early 80's KX80? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2008年3月31日 · I recently got an older 1980's kx80. The man did not remember the year, told me early 80's. I need to order a magneto cover and need to know the exact year. I was wondering if there was a way to decipher the serial number? the number on the engine casing is 2J5-001400 Any help is appreciated...
KX80 VIN & Engine Number help needed! - Kawasaki Motorcycle …
2009年10月26日 · KX80-V# which is 79cc 79cc engines have numbers beginning KX080SE 82cc engines have numbers beginning KX080RE
Anyone know the correct float adjustment on kx80, PE28mm
2007年10月2日 · Hi. I'm trying to tune the carb. I was given the bike and it does not run right. Anyways, I would like to check the float adjustment. I have a 89' KX80 with PE28mm carb. I have a Clymers, which says the float height should be 18mm to 20mm, but if I search the internet, different websites say it...
KX80 powerband prob? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年4月16日 · the carb on my 95' kx100 is a keihin pe-26 it is a 26mm the newer kx100's use a pwk28 28mm...by measuring the front opening where it plugs into the cylinder intake boot that might tell you what mm it is. Kawasaki still has the parts diagram for the 1987 kx80 looks like they had 2 models kx80 & 80W try this link to search by model or vin
KX 80-KX 125 Differences? | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年6月17日 · Here is a KX80: Engine: 2-stroke single w/KIPS Displacement: 82cc Bore x Stroke: 48.0 x 45.8mm Cooling: Liquid Carburetion: Keihin PE26 Induction: Crankcase reed valve Compression ratio: 10.3:1 (low speed) - 9.4:1 (high speed) Ignition: Digital CDI Transmission: 6-speed Frame: High-tensile steel perimeter design with subframe member Rake/trail ...
KX80 Kick start wont move. - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年11月10日 · KX80 Kick start wont move. Jump to Latest 8.5K views 11 replies 3 participants last post by YurFatMom Nov 12, 2007
KX80/85 spark plug choice | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年4月7日 · By the book I'm supposed to be using NGK R6254K-105's in my kids 2000 KX80 and 2006 KX85. Is there a down side or problems with running the older B8EG's of B9EG's instead? The 105's are resistors and the b8 & 9's are non-resistor. What's everyone running?
2000 KX80 ignition settings | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年5月4日 · 2000 KX80 ignition settings Jump to Latest 16K views 8 replies 4 participants last post by olebuch May 5, 2007
86 kx80 carb/jet settings??????? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2010年7月3日 · Bikes: 95' KX250 2003 KX60 2005 KTM 50 Pro Senior LC 2001 JR50
2000 kx80 wont start | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2009年11月21日 · just done a top end rebuild on my kx80,cylinder has been replated put in new piston, rings,gaskets and plug, the problem is i put it all together and it fired up 1st time and then it just stopped and now it wont start even put some fuel into plug hole still no joy,have good spark.can anyone help...