Kled, The Cantankerous Cavalier - Reddit
r/KledMains: A subreddit dedicated to all the mains of the League of Legends champion named Kled!
I wanna main kled any tips? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2022年8月27日 · Kled's remount works something like this: To remount, you need to get 100 courage. Autoattacks on champions give 15, champions you've hit in the last 3 seconds give 20 upon dying, each of 5 dismounted q pellets gives 5 courage, autoattacks on drags and towers give 5, lane creeps give 4 and gromp gives 20 for some reason.
Kled Counters tierlist : r/KledMains - Reddit
2023年5月8日 · Not that easy, her kit is pretty much designed to deal with opponent like Kled. The only way she could lose is she somehow let you hit your Q and let you use your full W and miss her parry. Her passive can melt Kled in 5 seconds, her Q also has a shorter cooldown than Kled’s E so if she wish to she can just poke vital and wait for scale and ...
Renekton vs Kled matchup : r/RenektonMains - Reddit
2016年9月30日 · The biggest advantage Renekton has over Kled is Kleds ult. Now I may sound crazy, but just hear me out. Kleds ultimate is not cancelable, and you need to preselect your destination. This means that Kled will usually ult behind you. Now, When this happens you need to run perpendicular to where you think the Kled is going to go.
How to play Kled? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2020年11月15日 · However becareful this makes your Q harder to hit), bonus points if you have W up. Playing around your W is another important part of kled, Kled with W up is very strong. And last most important part about winning trades is dismount/remount. Learning when you are able to dismount allows kled to make a lot of plays.
My tier list of kled matchups. : r/KledMains - Reddit
2022年3月21日 · Kled counters Aatrox the hardest with the GW on his Q and the stickiness of E makes it hard for Aatrox to land sweetspot Qs. Yorick can't easily trap you with ghouls because of your E killing them too quickly, your Q stops him from statchecking you. Fiora is the only one that actively poses a gigantic threat to Kled.
How TF do you beat kled? : r/KledMains - Reddit
2021年7月15日 · Kled is really weak early so try to get really aggressive on level 2/3 especially if you're playing someone like Kayle. If Kled hits you with his Q, don't try to move out of his range. It's best to play champs with no mobility. Always heal after he successfully uses Q on you since you'll be inflicted with Grievous Wounds.
A quick list of Kled tips for anybody first learning him.
2021年6月1日 · The best tip for new Kled players: how to quickly remount Wait for W to be off CD, EQ on the enemy and let him dismount you, quickly auto 4 times + Q shot in their face + 1 last auto = remount. tldr: 5 autos + full hit Q = remount
How to beat Kled? : r/KledMains - Reddit
18 votes, 23 comments. true. You need to play champs that either have a really good early game and just out damage kled (darius) or champs that scale well (fiora, jax, camille etc.) and in terms of mechanically beating him just bait out his W (4 fast AA's) and then engage on him when they are down and if you have any executes in your kit make sure …
How do I lane against Kled? : r/KSanteMains - Reddit
2023年1月1日 · Never played the lane, but I do play kled so can give you some general tips. Generally kled wants to trade with you with his full combo: E-->Q into W procs. All his damage comes from W4 and Q2 which are generally around the same time. You should hold your W for tanking this part of his full combo (focus on absorbing the Q2 with it).