the growth and productivity of the palm. Among the many reported diseases, fruit rot (commonly called as “Koleroga” in kannada or “Mahali” in malayalam) is a serious disease that could lead …
Fruit rot or Mahali or Koleroga (Phytophthorameadii) . Symptoms: Rotting and heavy shedding of fruits are the characteristic symptoms during south-west monsoon (June-September). Dark …
Phytophthora diseases of arecanut in India: prior findings, …
2021年5月31日 · Phytophthora diseases are serious and often fatal in arecanut causing huge losses to farmers (50–100%) if timely and proper management measures aren’t adopted. …
Understanding and Managing Koleroga: A Threat to Arecanut Palms
2024年3月9日 · Koleroga, also known as Mahali or fruit rot, is a significant disease affecting arecanut palms, particularly in regions like India and Southeast Asia where arecanut …
(PDF) Management of Fruit Rot Disease of Arecanut (Areca catechu …
2019年4月20日 · Spraying of fungicidal solution on tall palms requires skilled labor and the height of palms coupled with heavy rain during spraying poses a serious risk to the labor.
Mahali Disease (Koleroga), Bud Rot Disease, Stem Bleeding, Yellow Leaf spot, and Yellow Disease, which affect areca trees frequently and are brought on by constant rainfall and …
Fruit rot disease in Arecanut | PepperHub
Fruit rot disease, also known as Koleroga or Mahali, is a serious threat to arecanut cultivation. By recognizing the symptoms, understanding the causative fungus, and implementing a …
Management of fruit rot (Koleroga/ Mahali) disease of arecanut.
PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, R Ramesh and others published Management of fruit rot (Koleroga/ Mahali) disease of arecanut. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
PAT 201: Koleroga - e-Krishi Shiksha
Characteristic symptoms include rotting and excessive shedding of immature nuts from the trees. The first sign of the disease is on the nuts, on which water soaked lesions usually develop …
Insights into the population dynamics of phytophthora species ...
2024年9月1日 · Phytophthora, a ubiquitous filamentous oomycete, causes huge yield losses and is fatal to arecanut palms in case of severe infection. From 2014 onwards, a severe fruit rot …