Kongju National University
Once it opens in 2026, departments or colleges that can develop win-win relationship with Sejong City, including the Graduate School of Policy Convergence & Public Affairs will relocate to the Future Innovation Campus of Kongju National University in Sejong City.
Graduate Schools - Kongju National University
Department/Graduate School Kongju University provides the website of the department/graduate school.
Kongju National University
We started as Kongju Teacher’s College in 1948. We became a comprehensive university in 1991. We have grown into a national comprehensive university with over 22,000 students enrolled and have 4 campuses, 7 colleges, general graduate schools and 7 specialised graduate schools.
Graduate School of Special Education - english.kongju.ac.kr
E-mail. [email protected] About the Graduate School of Special Education We nurture excellent advanced special education teachers and intervention specialists in treatment services for children with disabilities.
College of Education - Kongju National University
Department/Graduate School Kongju University provides the website of the department/graduate school.
국립공주대학교 국문 대표 - english.kongju.ac.kr
2025학년도 정시(가·나군) 최초합격자 발표, 수시·정시 등록금 납부 안내 [공지사항 바로가기]
Scholarships - Kongju National University
Title Student Status Recipient Amount Qualification; Outstanding grades (Top overall) Freshmen and enrolled students: Those who received the highest score in 4 areas (Korean, English, Mathematics, Social or Science elective subjects) of the CSAT (College Scholastic Ability Test) among early and regular admissions.
Institute of Culture, Art and Industry - english.kongju.ac.kr
Supporting professors at the College of Art, Kongju National University by promoting their domestic and international exhibitions.
국립공주대학교 국문 대표 - english.kongju.ac.kr
합격자에 한하여 문자메시지 개별 통보 ※ 강사채용사이트(https://kongju.k
국립공주대학교 국문 대표 - english.kongju.ac.kr
2025학년도 1학기 학부 수강신청 일정 등 안내(신·편입생 포함) [안내 게시글 바로가기]