The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database - McMaster …
KpnH consists of ~511 residues, resembles EmrB of E. coli, and is probably a translocase in the KpnGH-TolC efflux protein in K. pneumoniae.
KP-NH Selector - Biotage
Biotage® Sfär KP-Amino (also known as KP-NH or KP-Amino) shields synthetic organic amines from the acidic silanols, providing improved selectivity, peak shape, purity and yield from flash purification.
A point mutation in recC associated with subclonal replacement of ...
2023年4月28日 · In this study we analyzed the genome sequences of 794 CRKP bloodstream isolates collected in 40 hospitals in China between 2014 and 2019. We uncovered a subclonal replacement in the predominant...
肺炎克雷伯菌的K抗原血清型介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
集成工具Kleborate(github.com/katholt/Kleb)沿用了Kaptive的方法,不仅可用于肺炎克雷伯菌物种复合体(KpSC)的K/O血清型批量预测,还可进行菌种鉴定、耐药基因预测、MLST预测以及相关的毒力分型预测等。 目前我们的Kleborate教学课程已经开发完成,大家可以在密码子学院平台上学习(https://college.mimazi.net/course/article-72.html)。
KpnEF, a new member of the Klebsiella pneumoniae cell envelope …
We discuss here for the first time the characterization of a putative SMR-type efflux pump, an ebrAB homolog (denoted here as kpnEF) with respect to Klebsiella physiology and the multidrug-resistant phenotype. Analysis of hypermucoviscosity revealed direct involvement of kpnEF in capsule synthesis.
外排泵介导肺炎克雷伯菌耐药的研究进展 - 微生物所 ...
摘要: 肺炎克雷伯菌 (Klebsiella pneumoniae)是重要的条件致病菌,近年来肺炎克雷伯菌感染在医院内感染中所占的比率持续上升,耐药率也不断攀升,这给临床治疗带来极大的困难。 肺炎克雷伯菌发生耐药的重要机制之一就是其细胞膜上存在的外排泵系统,它们将渗入细菌体内的药物不断泵出,导致菌体内的药物浓度过低,不足以发挥抗菌作用。 本文主要针对外排泵介导肺炎克雷伯菌的耐药现状,外排泵的分子结构和基因调节,外排泵抑制剂以及传统中药在耐药菌治疗方面的应 …
Molecular Epidemiological Analysis of ST11-K64 Extensively Drug ...
2021年9月27日 · Herein, we used WGS data in combination with epidemiological data to analyze the source of the outbreak in the ICU and neurosurgery unit caused by the ST11-K64 XDRKp strains. They were also used to reconstruct the most likely transmission routes of the outbreak for effective prevention and control measures.
Role of Novel Multidrug Efflux Pump Involved in Drug Resistance …
2014年5月13日 · Growth inactivation and direct fluorimetric efflux assays provide evidence that kpnGH mediates antimicrobial resistance by active extrusion in K. pneumoniae. The kpnGH isogenic mutant displayed decreased tolerance to cell envelope stressors emphasizing its added role in K. pneumoniae physiology.
肺炎克雷伯菌的K抗原分型介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
由于K type不够广泛,许多分离株在血清学上不可分型,为进一步确定 K. pneumoniae 的 荚膜血清型,有研究者提出了用分子分型K locus type来表示K分型的方法。 K locus type代表的是荚膜合成位点(K-loci)的多样性,对于早期已鉴定的K type,K locus type参考K type的编号给予相应的编号,而对尚未有血清学表型定义的K locus type,则从101开始分配编号 [2],如KL101,KL102等。 目前 K. pneumoniae 的K分型预测方法主要有2种。
The Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database - McMaster …
Model Definition: Protein Homolog Models (PHM) detect protein sequences based on their similarity to a curated reference sequence, using curated BLASTP bitscore cut-offs. Protein Homolog Models apply to all genes that confer resistance through their presence in an organism, such as the presence of a beta-lactamase gene on a plasmid.
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