L-17.ORG: Preserving Navion Military Heritage
The L-17 is the orignal NAA-built L-17 ordered under contract W33–038–AC17631. 83 made, later designated L-17A. Note that North American L-17s were civilian aircraft fitted with paint and radios as needed to meet military requirements.
North American L-17A Navion - National Museum of the USAF
American military services used the L-17 from the late 1940s through the early 1960s for liaison, reconnaissance, light cargo carrying and forward air control (FAC) missions. Six even became target drones. Designed for civilian aviation and first flown in 1946, it was introduced commercially as the NA-154 Navion.
L-17/U-18“纳维翁” 联络机/通用机 - 百度百科
1946年首批83架L-17A(这种飞机在美国陆军航空部队服役期间的命名)交付,它们被用作联络“出租机”、客运/货运机以及在美国陆军航空兵的军校中作为后备军官训练队的教练机。 1947年, 瑞安航空公司 取得了“纳维翁”的设计和制造授权,并交付158架改进型的L-17B给美国空军。 [1] L-17/U-18“纳维翁” 联络机/通用机是北美航空在1940年设计和建造单引擎四座飞机。 纳维翁(Navion)是由北美航空在1940年设计和建造单引擎四座飞机。 后来由瑞安航空公司与钢管公司(塔斯 …
North American L-17 Navion - Commemorative Air Force …
The Commemorative Air Force Minnesota Wing has recently acquired an L-17 Navion. This aircraft was generously donated to the wing by CAF member Harvey Brown. The Navion aircraft was designed by North American Aviation and began production in 1946.
North American L-17 Navion - Warbird Alley
With 1,109 built during 1946-47, the plane was initially highly successful, even attracting the interest of the United States Army Air Force, for which a prototype, designated L-17, was developed in 1946.
North American L-17A 'Navion' - Planes of Fame Air Museum
North American Aircraft built 1,109 in 1946-47. The U.S. Army Air Force became interested in the aircraft in 1946, and ordered a militarized version, which became the prototype L-17. Several minor modifications were completed, and 83 L-17 As were purchased for liaison duty and as trainers for the ROTC program.
The L-17 was used for a variety of purposes and had a storied service history. L-17s flew personnel and cargo from the carriers USS Sicily (CVE-118) and USS Badoeng Strait (CVE-116), sometimes landing on front-line roads. Both General Douglas MacArthur and Major General Matthew Ridgway had personal L-17s.
L-17/U-18“纳维翁”_北美 - 搜狐
2019年6月4日 · 名称:l-17/u-18“纳维翁” 联络机/通用机. 首飞时间:1946年4月. 服役时间:1948年. 生产单位:北美航空,瑞安航空. 气动布局:平直翼. 发动机数量:单发. l-17b. 乘员:4人. 机长:8.38米. 翼展:10.19米. 机高:2.65米. 空重:882千克. 发动机:一台大陆o-470-7发 …
IL-17信号通路signaling pathway-武汉华美生物
L-17 (Interleukin-17)细胞因子家族在1993年被发现时名为CTLA8,是由辅助性T细胞17 (T helper cell 17, Th17)分泌,随后发现其能够诱导滑膜细胞和间充质细胞分泌IL-6和IL-8从而更名为IL-17。
Ryan Aeronautical L-17 Navion - Hill Aerospace Museum
Designed for civilian aviation and first flown in 1946, North American introduced this aircraft as the commercial NA-154 Navion. The US Army Air Forces went on to order 83 military versions under the designation L-17A. This Navion was the personal plane of former Utah Senator Jake Garn, an accomplished and seasoned pilot.