LM239 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 LM239 是一款 商业级四路差分比较器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息
LM239 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s LM239 is a Quad differential comparator, commercial grade. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
LM239 - Low power quad voltage comparator - STMicroelectronics
Powerful server-side engine for rendering and simulation. Help to select the right High side current sensing and shunt devices. • Handles most common configurations. • Returns circuit components values. • Provides I/O signal waveforms. • Inverting, Non Inverting, Window.
Each comparator has been designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible. These comparators also have a unique characteristic in that the input common mode voltage range includes ground even though operated from a single power supply voltage. Figure 1.
LM239DG_onsemi (安森美)_LM239DG中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立 …
LM239DG由onsemi (安森美)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 LM239DG价格参考¥0.8231。 onsemi (安森美) LM239DG参数名称:比较器数:四路;输入失调电压 (Vos):2mV;输入偏置电流 (Ib):25nA;传播延迟 (tpd):1.3us;工作电压:3V~36V;1.5V~18V;-18V~-1.5V;输出模式:TTL;CMOS;轨到轨:轨到轨输入;每个通道工作电流:800uA;工作温度:-40℃~+125℃。 下载LM239DG中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有比较器详细引脚图及功能的应用电 …
LM239 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
These devices consist of four independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specifications as low as 2mV max for LM339A, LM239A and LM139A. All these comparators were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible.
LM239-N 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 LM239-N 是一款 低功耗低偏移电压四路比较器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息
LM239 - 低功耗四电压比较器 - 意法半导体STMicroelectronics
Powerful server-side engine for rendering and simulation. Help to select the right High side current sensing and shunt devices. • Handles most common configurations. • Returns circuit components values. • Provides I/O signal waveforms. • Inverting, Non Inverting, Window. Op amps & comparators. Amplify your performance. 2.0.
The LM339B and LM2901B can drop-in replace the LM239, LM339 and LM2901, for both "A" and "V" grades. All devices consist of four independent voltage comparators that are designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages.
LM239D_TI (德州仪器)_LM239D中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城