Good quality LM723 LAB Power Supply - Page 1 - EEVblog
2019年1月7日 · The basis of this Power Supply is a standard LM723 circuit with parts around it, that make's it a good Power Supply. (my opinion) Preliminary Specifications The Output current wil be 2-Ampere Max. Max output voltage 20V.
Venerable LM723 regullator - Page 1 - EEVblog
LM723 comes in metal can, DIP14 and finaly SOIC14 SMD package. Even though it comes in an SMD package it may be to costly in terms of PCB space. Hence the question one LM723 two rails. Yes there are many fine AD ..sorry LT regulators but the cost may be prohibitive. I guess if you do not ask...
A 300W 2N3055/LM723-based DC Current Load - Page 1 - EEVblog
2024年3月30日 · The LM723’s V- is negatively offset to about -2.5V with a TL431 to allow it to regulate the voltage emitter resistor voltage down to 0. Regulated voltage is averaged across the four emitters of the shut transistors, and the current limiting transistor in the LM723 is used to shutdown in case of overheating.
How do make a current limiting knob using LM723 for Linear
2017年5月17日 · Re: How do make a current limiting knob using LM723 for Linear Reg power supplies? « Reply #24 on: May 19, 2017, 11:35:12 am » The circuit diagram for the HY3002 has one obvious mistake in the drawing: the emitter of V26A should be at ground level.
5 Ampere Regulator using LM 317 or LM723 - Page 1 - EEVblog
2017年5月13日 · I want to design lab power supply with the transformer rating of 30V , 5 ampere using LM317 or LM723. Because after rectification it would give around 42V Pulsating DC, So both these IC could Handle voltage around 40V. Hence this is the reason for adapting to these ICs. At the initial stage started with LT1084 and LM338.
lm723 based linear power supply - Page 1 - EEVblog
2016年9月27日 · LM723 is not the best choice for control circuit of a bench power supply. The current limiter of the LM723 is very fast but not precise. Use it only for protection of the output transistors, not for precision current limiting. Look for the Philips PE1542 power supply schematics. That's a very good application of the LM723 for a bench power supply.
10 Amps power supply with LM723 - Page 1 - EEVblog
2018年11月3日 · When I power up the circuit, the 500R trimmer gets hot and the output voltage is always about 32.5-33Vdc. I changed the LM723 with a new one, I changed the 10K pot with a new one, I changed the power transistor (for the tests I used only one power transistor) with a new one. I also checked the layout and the PCB and there are no problems.
LM723 power supply - Page 1 - EEVblog
2022年12月10日 · Google this: ua723 vs lm723 and it comes up with this from the ti support site: LM723C and UA723 are exact same devices. The LM version was designed by National Semiconductor and UA is TI's device . The LM version was designed by National Semiconductor and UA is TI's device .
LM723 power supply - Page 2 - EEVblog
2022年12月24日 · Re: LM723 power supply « Reply #34 on: December 25, 2022, 05:47:36 pm » I do not know why they used a 308 in the original design, instead of another 301A, but an OP27 is much faster than a 308 and will require external frequency compensation changes.
psu using lm723+opamp for current limiting - Page 1 - EEVblog
2020年12月4日 · The LM723 is only used as reference and auxiliary regulator. Looks odd, but is not that bad. It is still the old way of adjusting the feedback divider for the set voltage - this works but results in a loop gain that depends on the voltage setting: the higher the set voltage with slower the regulation.