Question on upping ABV, LME vs sugar etc. - Homebrew Talk
2015年5月22日 · Adding LME or DME results in some non-fermentables being left behind and a higher FG. All depends on what you are looking for in your final product. One word of warning, I have added corn sugar at the end of a boil to a couple of batches and ended up with a bit of a hot alcohol taste in the beer.
Fermentability of DME vs LME - Homebrew Talk
2010年8月28日 · LME: min. 78 % to 81 % DME: 70 to 75 % Reading these charts am I correct in assuming that the LME will ferment better than the DME. It is the first time I used DME as the primary extract, and would like to know if it is just a coincidence that my fermentation is stuck, or if in the future I should use LME instead. Thanks; Sean
To boil LME or not to boil LME? - Homebrew Talk
2012年10月25日 · By adding the bulk of the LME at the end of the boil, you keep the wort less sugar-dense, more like a comparable AG batch, and decrease the corresponding maillard reactions and browning of the wort. If you've ever boiled down first runnings (say, like when making a Scottish ale), you can see the difference when you start with a more sugar-dense ...
Starter question - using LME - using LME | Homebrew Talk
2008年1月30日 · Sorry to dig this thread up but I was looking on a quick reference for how much LME to use for a starter and found it. Assuming that the weight to volume conversions in the post above are correct (1oz LME = 0.125 cup), 0.625 cups (5oz) of LME for one a 1 pint (2 cups) starter seams like way to much. Plugging that into Beer Smith gives an OG of ...
Substituting LME - Homebrew Talk
2020年9月14日 · Main reason is LME comes in cans of certain volumes. Fractional cans don't exist, while once a can is opened it should be stored in the fridge and used up within a few weeks. DME also stores a lot better as long as it's kept dry and in its original plastic bag.
LME vs DME -- taste difference? - Homebrew Talk
2018年5月13日 · Now since LME contains water, it is likely more suspect to aging effects and spoilage than a totally dry product such as DME. Since we don't get both products directly from the source the same day or even within a month from when they are produced, differences in aging/spoiling effects will become apparent.
Yeast starter with lme - Homebrew Talk
2015年1月21日 · You would need about 20% more LME than DME, by weight. Trying to measure by volume can be very inaccurate. LME has about 37 points per gallon, while DME has about 44. It will also be a good idea to use a pitch rate/starter calculator. Just making a certain size starter may not propagate the number of cells you need for your beer.
How to store *opened * LME and DME - Homebrew Talk
2010年2月4日 · Yes, many stores have bulk LME for sale. So, you can buy a pound or two (or 20). The canned LME isn't nearly as good, in my opinion. I've had to buy cans when I needed a specific kind of LME, but my preference is by far to use DME. Many recipes can use DME instead of LME, and will taste fresher than using canned LME.
Brew with Just LME? - Homebrew Talk
2012年7月4日 · (2) 3.3lb cans of Munton's wheat un-hopped LME. 1 1/2 oz. Willamette Hops,and 1 oz. of McCormick's lemon extract added at the 6 day mark,via the airlock hole. It turned out,light,lemoney,and refreshing.Wonderfull Lawnmower Beer.
How long does LME last? - Homebrew Talk
2012年11月18日 · I just finished brewing a kit that I purchased back in mid Feb. All the LME and Grains seemed to be fine with no sign of mold or detereration of the grain. Everything looked and smelled fine. The LME and Grains were stored in the basement and kept nicely cool and dry. The Hops were in the freezer.