Laars LLD Heater Won't Ignite - Trouble Free Pool
2013年8月14日 · Re: Laars LLD Heater Won't Ignite - SOLVED! The new valve from Honeywell came with some extra parts. One was i conversion kit (just a spring, really) to change it from natural gas to propane. The other was a "wire harness" - really a simple connector.
Teledyne laars series 2 - millivolt heater? | Trouble Free Pool
2018年8月8日 · Have a teledyne laars series 2 natural gas heater that wont turn on. Trying to diagnose it and have a question. it has a standing pilot, from what I gather this unit would be a millivolt heater then with the standing pilot? And if thats the case there is no external power source needed?
Laars Lite 2 wont do anything at all | Trouble Free Pool
2015年6月27日 · I have a Laars Lite II pool spa heater (LD125N) with the electric/ceramic element instead of the pilot light. We just moved into the house with this heater and have inherited all the problems that go with it. It worked fine for a few days after i …
Laars Lite 2: Flame Sensor issue | Trouble Free Pool
2021年8月20日 · Hello all, I was recently having an issue with my pool heater (Laars Lite 2 - Natural Gas, LD), in that it would ignite, and then turn off w/n 1-2 seconds. After some research, it seemed it might be a faulty flame sensor. I started cleaning it off in …
Laars Lite II LD400N - Pressure Switch Issue - Trouble Free Pool
2015年5月20日 · Hi All. I have a LD400N natural gas fed heater on my 26k gallon pool. 12th season here in PA. Heater will not startup and stay lit. I suspected the pressure switch because I had to load the loop up with oil last year to get it started, which I …
Ancient Laars series 2 esg250n- fix it up, or replace?
2013年5月6日 · Our new house has a very old Teledyne Laars 250N series 2 natural gas pool heater. Everything else has been upgraded (pump, filter, vac). The burner and assemblies are on their last legs. Is this model worth putting money into fixing it up? Or should I replace the whole thing if something, say over $300 in parts, breaks?
Jandy/Laars LX service help - Trouble Free Pool
2014年3月16日 · That usually means there is something blocking the flue, causing an internal overheating switch to trigger. Typically, you need to partially disassemble the flue to clear the blockage, put it back together, and then manually reset the overheat detection switch next to the f
Laars Lite Teledyne Heater shuts off randomly - Trouble Free Pool
2020年4月16日 · My Laars Lite Teledyne Laars model LLD natural gas heater seems to be running normally at some times. The pilot starts and it runs for a decent 8 minutes and then suddenly shuts off. My guess is that one of the sensors is automatically shutting it off, but the water flow is fine and there does not seem to be any outstanding issues.
Laars LX250 Heater - HI LIM SW Error - Trouble Free Pool
2013年7月12日 · For this part number, it is for units above SER# G03LF0097 250 400 below SER# G03LF0089 250 400 Laars Lite 2. I would think you would want Parts4heating.com: Teledyne Laars R0457200 High Limit Set I would replace both the limits.
NG to LP Conversion Laars Lite Heater | Trouble Free Pool
2009年8月28日 · I found a smokin deal on a Laars Lite 2 Mark IV 175k btu heater ($50 for it, a solar cover real, and some otehr stuff.) It passed a full inspection last year and has just had the maint done on it. The only problem...it's NG, and we're all propane. For most appliances, I know you only need to do the orifices on them for the swap.