Diptera (Flies) – Field Guide to the Insects of Tasmania
The Diptera, or two-winged flies, is a large order of familiar insects encountered on a daily basis both in home and outside. The most commonly known are the annoying mozzies, sandflies, …
Guide to the Orders – Field Guide to the Insects of Tasmania
The Diptera, or two-winged flies, is a large order of familiar insects encountered on a daily basis both in home and outside. The most commonly known are the annoying mozzies , sandflies , …
Tasmania: 1♂, 6♀♀, same data as holotype (AM K.540941–944, K.556230–231; CNC [with register number K.515414]). Description (♂, ♀). Small, shining black moderately robust fly, …
Diptera – Ausemade
Diptera is a large order that is estimated to contain an estimated 1,000,000 species, although only about 125,000 species have currently been described. Included in this group are many insects …
Field Guide to the Insects of Tasmania
Unluckily, 1% of the Tasmanian population have to carry epipens just in case they have a stinging encounter with our bounding jack jumper ant. If you ask most people there would be about 20 …
The abdomen of pyc/mceus seems to be identical with the colour of the abdo-menin dead specimens found clinging to twigs, and indeed some live specimens show signs of the …
The Diptera-brachycera of Tasmania. Part II
Flies of moderate size, of elongated or conical shape, the thorax and legs with distinct bristles ; distinguished from the Asilidae by the eyes not being protuberant from a sunk vertex, and by …
Snipe Flies - Family Rhagionidae - Brisbane Insects
This Snipe Fly has large head covered with very large eyes. Eyes are contiguous. The facets are very large on the upper side of eyes. Mesonotum and scutellum are black covered with golden …
Order Diptera: the flies — Examples - knowyourinsects.org
This species has banded eyes, a black-and-yellow banded abdomen, brown tipped wings, and a thorax that either appears uniformly dark or displays sinuous dark streaks on a light …
6 THEDIPTERA-BRACHYCERAOFTASMANIA, Tabanussimilis,Macq. Thisspeciesisonlyknownfromthetypespecimen …