LJS Online Behaviorial Trackers - LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
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Any LJ's use the Rockler Beadlock system...
2014年9月25日 · I just noticed on the Rocker site their Beadlock system, which I never heard of. It seems like a poor man's Domino substitute. Have any of you used it? (I guess I should have …
staining spf - LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2012年10月23日 · Hi LJs - I am a newby when it comes to using SPF, but was so enchanted by how easy it is to work with the wood and the exceptionally low cost, I just built bunk beds from …
Target Coatings EM6000 or EM7000 | LumberJocks Woodworking …
2018年8月30日 · I'm going to give the Target Coatings product a try. I generally am unimpressed with waterborne finishes, but with so many LJs, who clearly know what they're doing, touting …
Why does Laguna Tools have so many unhappy customers
2012年6月5日 · I joined LJs recently after seeing that there were quite a few posts that were very critical of Laguna Tools Customer Service. I was surprised to see these, as from what I can …
making a deadflat workbench top - LumberJocks Woodworking …
2008年1月13日 · Uh Bill, I agree. Stan was accusing ME of being the smart ass, though Stan did happen to succeed in showing all of LJs his own, minus the intelligence of course… And he …
Miter angle settings for a five point star.
2016年4月22日 · I saw a project posted that had multiple miter angles. There were LJs asking about what the angle settings were. To answer their questions I'm posting here. Angles for any …
Jet 12" Jointer / Planer Combo | LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2021年5月30日 · Hey LJs, I'm thinking about ordering a Jet 12" jointer / planer combo. They say that can deliver in August… My question to the team: has anyone bought one in the last year …
Fractal Burning (my attempt) | LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2016年8月29日 · Before I say anything, a tip 'o the hat to Jim Jakosh for presenting this technique to me here on LJs! I read with interest on Jim's adventures into this "fringe" area of …
holes for black pipe (drilling odd sized holes) | LumberJocks ...
2010年2月24日 · I am loving LJs. Lots of quick help out there. Here's my next question: I'm working on a franken - Rubo / New fangled styled workbench. It will have the pipe clamp …