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Liqun Luo - Luo Lab
Bill and Ann Swindell Endowed Chair HHMI Investigator
Liqun Luo | Stanford Medicine
Luo is currently the Ann and Bill Swindells Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Professor of Biology, and Professor of Neurobiology by courtesy at Stanford University, and a …
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Liqun Luo - Stanford Photonics Research Center
Luo is currently the Ann and Bill Swindells Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Professor of Biology, and Professor of Neurobiology by courtesy at Stanford University, and a …
Joining the Lab - Luo Lab
The Luo Lab offers a welcoming and collaborative environment that places a high priority on professional training and development. We welcome students and postdocs with diverse backgrounds. The Lab provides ample opportunities for: scientific discovery, mentorship, and career development. Undergraduate Students.
Liqun Luo's Profile | Stanford Profiles
Luo is currently the Ann and Bill Swindells Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Professor of Biology, and Professor of Neurobiology by courtesy at Stanford University, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator. He teaches neurobiology to Stanford undergraduate and graduate students.
Liqun Luo - Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute
Luo is currently the Ann and Bill Swindells Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Professor of Biology, and Professor of Neurobiology by courtesy at Stanford University, and a …
罗凌飞 - Fudan University
2023年10月23日 · 近年来取得淋巴管和巨噬细胞在脑血管再生修复中的重要功能、肝脏重度损伤下由胆管细胞转分化实现再生等重要原创性科学发现。 目前课题组具体研究方向包括:1)消化器官再生的细胞与分子基础及其药物开发;2)脑血管再生修复的细胞与分子基础及其药物开发;3)消化器官发育的细胞谱系及命运决定机制研究;4)器官再生能力的物种差异及其形成机制。 Introduction and Research...
Interrogating the structure and function of neuronal circuits is a central goal of neuroscience; investigating their evolution and development likewise provides crucial insights. neuromodulatory systems with broad pro-jections into subsystems, each serving distinct behavioral functions and being differentially regulated by different stimuli.