Logarithmic mean temperature difference - Wikipedia
In thermal engineering, the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) is used to determine the temperature driving force for heat transfer in flow systems, most notably in heat exchangers. The LMTD is a logarithmic average of the temperature difference between the hot and cold feeds at each end of the double pipe exchanger.
对数平均温差 - 百度百科
对数平均温差(简称LMTD——Logarithmic mean temperature difference)。两种流体在热交换器中传热过程温差的积分的平均值。
What is Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference - LMTD
2019年5月22日 · The “Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference“ (LMTD) is a logarithmic average of the temperature difference between the hot and cold feeds at each end of the heat exchanger. The larger the LMTD, the more heat is transferred.
LMTD Calculator – Log Mean Temperature Difference
You can use the LMTD calculator to determine the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) for a heat transfer process. When you calculate heat transfer, you must have noticed the term for temperature difference in the equation along with …
對數平均溫差 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
對數平均溫差(logarithmic mean temperature difference)簡稱為LMTD,是在传热流體系統(例如熱交換器中)用來分析溫度推動力的工具。 對數平均溫差是在雙管換熱器中冷端及熱端 溫度 差的 對數平均 。
对数平均温差 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
对数平均温差(logarithmic mean temperature difference)简称为LMTD,是在传热流体系统(例如热交换器中)用来分析温度推动力的工具。 对数平均温差是在双管换热器中冷端及热端 温度 差的 对数平均 。
LMTD(对数平均温差)计算器 - Calculator Ultra
2024年10月3日 · 对数平均温差(lmtd)是热工工程中的关键参数,特别是在换热器的设计和分析中。 它提供了热流体和冷流体在换热器长度上的平均温差,从而允许计算热传递率。
Arithmetic and Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference
Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference - LMTD The rise in secondary temperature is non-linear and can best be represented by a logarithmic calculation. A logarithmic mean temperature difference is termed
CheCalc ‐ Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) Calculation
LMTD Calculation. Calculate Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) for shell and tube exchanger for counter-current and co-current flow.
Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference – LMTD - Nuclear …
To solve certain heat exchanger problems, engineers often use a logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), which is used to determine the temperature driving force for heat transfer in heat exchangers. LMTD is introduced because the temperature change that takes place across the heat exchanger from the entrance to the exit is not linear.