SOLUTION: I need help in finding the value of X: log2 8 = x
log2 8 = x this is equivalent to asking "what power of 2 is needed to equal 8"? Answer is 3, since is 2*2*2 which is 8. You need to become familiar with this form of question rather than having it written as . They are 2 opposite forms of the same problem just like 3-x=7 is just the same as asking x=3-7. jon.
SOLUTION: Which expressions are equivalent to the one below?
log2 2 + log2 8 A) log2 (2^4) B) 4 C) log2 16 D)log 10 Algebra -> Exponential-and-logarithmic-functions -> SOLUTION: Which expressions are equivalent to the one below? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY?
Solve log2 8+ log2 32 - Algebra Homework Help
Solve log2 8+ log2 32 Log On Algebra: Exponent and logarithm as functions of power Section. Solvers Solvers.
SOLUTION: how do i solve log2 1/8 - Algebra Homework Help
Question 288900: how do i solve log2 1/8 Found 2 solutions by Alan3354, alegriajoy33:. Answer by Alan3354(69443) (Show Source): . You can put this solution on YOUR website! 2^3 = 8 2^-3 = 1/8
SOLUTION: Convert to logarithmic equations. For example, the ...
For example, the logarithmic form of "23 = 8" is "log2 8 = 3". a) 16 3/2 = 64 b) ex = 5 B. Convert to exponential form. For example, the exponential form of "log5 25 = 2" is "52 = 25". a) log 3 27 = 3 b) log e 1 = 0 c) log 125 25 = 2/3 Answer by stanbon(75887) (Show Source):
SOLUTION: log2(x)+log8(x) = 8 - Algebra Homework Help
You can put this solution on YOUR website! log2(x)+log8(x) = 8 Convert the base: log(x)/log(2) + log(x)/log(8) = 8
SOLUTION: how evaluate log2/3 27/8 - Algebra Homework Help
But, if the fraction was upside down, then 8 is and 27 is . So if the fraction was 8/27 and not 27/8 then the answer to our question would be 3. The missing piece, then, is what aspect of exponents makes a fraction flip upside down? Answer: Negative exponents mean reciprocals. So "What power of 2/3 is 27/8?". Answer: -3.
SOLUTION: What does 2 log2 8 - Algebra Homework Help
What does 2 log2 8 - log4 256 mean or equals becuase I have no idea on what it means?...-----One step at a time: log means "exponent" or "power"-----2log2 8 means "twice the exponent of 2 that gives you the number 8.-----So what exponent of 2 gives you the number 8? 2^3 = 8 So log2 8 is 3 Twice that is 6-----How about log4 256 4^4 = 246 So log4 ...
SOLUTION: Solve the equation: log2(x+7) + log2(x+8)=1
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Solve the equation: log2(x+7) + log2(x+8)=1-----log2[(x+7)(x+8)] = 1
SOLUTION: log base 2 square root of 8 Solve - Algebra Homework …
Question 925440: log base 2 square root of 8 Solve Answer by ewatrrr(24785) (Show Source):