Trains, tickets & service information
Buy cheap train tickets and find the best deals on rail fares between London and the Northwest
Train timetables and schedules - London Northwestern Railway
London Northwestern Railway operates trains services to London, the Midlands and the North West.
Plan your train journey - London Northwestern Railway
View and download the London Northwestern Railway network maps. Live departures and arrivals Check live departure and arrival times at stations across our network.
Pay as you go with contactless | LNR - London Northwestern Railway
You can use a contactless card or device to pay as you go on National Rail, London Underground, DLR, London Buses and London tram services within London and across 47 stations in the South East – including 14 new London Northwestern Railway stations.
Our Route Maps and Rail Network - London Northwestern Railway
Get a clearer picture of the areas we service to foreplan your trip by taking a look at our London Northwestern Railway network map
About us | LNR - London Northwestern Railway
Running down the very backbone of England, London Northwestern Railway franchise connects the economic powerhouses of London and the North West with the West Midlands.
Download our app | LNR | London Northwestern Railway
London Northwestern Railway operates trains services to London, the Midlands and the North West.
Destination Manchester | LNR | London Northwestern Railway
In the meantime, great value tickets are already available for travel with London Northwestern Railway and connections from Crewe to Manchester, with walk-up tickets available every day from £42.10 return, allowing passengers to save £66 on an equivalent walk-up fare for the faster intercity operator.
New Manchester to London train service proposal unveiled by …
2024年7月1日 · The proposal will see London Northwestern Railway working with local operators and Network Rail to determine the best overall solution, tying in with planned upgrades to Manchester Victoria station, the TransPennine route upgrade and …
Browse our careers - London Northwestern Railway
From train crew and station staff, train care and maintenance, to office and support roles such as finance, HR and marketing, there’s a place for everyone here at London Northwestern Railway. Have a look at our varied careers below.
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