2020年11月25日,浙江大学 段树民 院士团队在 Nature Communications 杂志发表了题为: Parabrachial nucleus circuit governs neuropathic pain-like behavior 的研究论文。 研究团队利用神经病理性疼痛模型 (CPN) 小鼠,结合在体神经元钙信号检测、电生理、光遗传学及行为学检测等,发现在给与神经病理性痛小鼠触觉和热刺激时,LPBN谷氨酸 (兴奋性) 能神经元活动比对照小鼠显著增强,但GABA (抑制性) 能神经元活动无显著变化。 用光遗传学选择性激 …
2020年11月28日 · 课题组研究人员利用神经病理性疼痛模型(CPN)小鼠,结合在体神经元钙信号检测、电生理、光遗传学及行为学检测等,发现在给与神经病理性痛小鼠触觉和热刺激时,LPBN谷氨酸(兴奋性)能神经元活动比对照小鼠显著增强,但GABA(抑制性)能神经元活动无显著变化。 用光遗传学选择性激活LPBN谷氨酸神经元则在正常小鼠也产生神经病理性痛的行为反应,而光遗传学抑制LPBN谷氨酸能神经元则对急性的生理性疼痛和慢性的神经病理性疼痛都 …
Lateral Parabrachial Nucleus - an overview - ScienceDirect
The LPBN consists of a complex of neurons in the dorsolateral pons and it plays an important role in mediating a variety of visceral functions such as taste, respiration, central cardiovascular control and sleep [96].
Parabrachial Complex: A Hub for Pain and Aversion
2019年10月16日 · Medial PBN (mPBN) comprises populations of neurons heterogeneous in size and morphology, whereas lateral PBN (lPBN) includes several homogeneous groups. The cytoarchitecturally defined subdivisions within mPBN and lPBN are also marked by differential connectivity and neurochemistry.
Excitatory neurons in the lateral parabrachial nucleus mediate the ...
2023年12月10日 · The LPBN is a crucial component of the ascending pain pathways and may participate in the interruptive effect of pain on attention. In the LPBN, Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (CaMKIIα) neurons can represent most of the excitatory neurons . We determined whether CaMKIIα neurons in the LPBN were activated by formalin-induced ...
Divergent Neural Pathways Emanating from the Lateral …
2020年6月17日 · The lateral parabrachial nucleus (lPBN) is a major target of spinal projection neurons conveying nociceptive input into supraspinal structures. However, the functional role of distinct lPBN efferents in diverse nocifensive responses have remained largely uncharacterized. Here we show that that the l …
Activation of parabrachial nucleus - ScienceDirect
2021年11月2日 · Further studies establish a pathway of glutamatergic projections from the spinal trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Sp5C) to the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) and then to the VTA. These glutamatergic projections form a direct circuit that controls the development of the depression-like behavior under the state of the chronic neuropathic pain.
A Parabrachial-Hypothalamic Cholecystokinin Neurocircuit Controls ...
Here we demonstrate that lateral parabrachial nucleus cholecystokinin (CCK LPBN) neurons are a population of glucose-sensing cells (glucose inhibited) with counterregulatory capacity.
Excitatory neurons in the lateral parabrachial nucleus mediate the ...
2023年12月10日 · Activation of excitatory neurons in the LPBN is a mechanism by which acute inflammatory pain disrupts sustained attention. This finding has implications for the treatment of pain and its cognitive comorbidities.
找到调控神经性疼痛的臂旁核微环路 - 科学网
位于脑桥的外侧臂旁核(LPBN)被认为是脊髓向脑内传送疼痛信息的中继站,其中向脑内杏仁核传送的信息引起疼痛的情绪反应。 “我们的研究表明LPBN在传递疼痛信息的同时,还对疼痛信息具有主动的调控作用。 ”段树民说。 研究人员通过腓总神经(CPN)结扎构建神经病理性疼痛模型后,LPBN脑区兴奋性神经元大量激活,而抑制性神经元并未出现这种明显的激活。 他们通过向标记兴奋性神经元的工具小鼠的LPBN脑区注射钙离子指示剂,利用光纤钙成像技术发现其在神经 …