PSA: 105mm M833 APFSDS is in the Dev Server files. : …
2018年3月6日 · The M833 values in game versus the OP's claim in this chain. Also compare the values in that Russian test to the ones in game and you'll see that Gaijin definitely uses the Russian standard. The Tiger's stock 8.8cm almost line up …
M833 for M1 : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年10月8日 · M833 would be fine if it was given to the XM8 and moved to 9.7 (CV90105 could easily be 10.0). M833 is needed on US tanks like the M60A3 TTS and likely even M60A1 RISE(p). I'm all for adding M833 to those, but to say that the M1 needs it at 10.0? No, I disagree.
M833 APFSDS In-Game Performance : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2019年2月12日 · No M1 Abrams ever carried M833 because by the time it showed up the actual, as designed M1 Abrams was in service. The only Abrams that ever mattered was the one they had wanted since 1976. It showed up in 1985, the same year as the Leopard 2A4 (which it shares more than a few things with) and was called the M1A1.
Let's talk: M833 : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2018年9月9日 · If m833 gets added then both teams have an equally powerful nation on their team as US cannot get matched with DE AFAIK. Yes this would suck for Russia, as they will get lol penned no matter what, but they will no longer have their win or loss decided by which team they are on. the same goes for France Britan and Japan.
Why is M833 a 10.0 round again? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年9月27日 · While I believe the M1 performs alright as is, M774 could be considered sub par at 9.0, at 10.0 it is downright mediocre. Giving it M833 would bring its firepower to a similar level as the other western 10.0 MBTs, but still keep its penetration firmly at the back of the pack to offset its other soft stats.
M1 needs M833 at this point : r/Warthunder - Reddit
M833 isn't so much of an improvement over M774 except in spall and having the ability to slightly be able to pen Turm's hull a bit better. Its just odd how Gaijin is fine with other vehicles having DM63 or DM33 equivalents at 9.0/9.3 (Tam 2IP, Merkava 1/2, Olifant mk.2) etc but can't even give 9.7+ US ranks M833 at the minimum.
105 Abrams M833? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2020年4月24日 · I've seen the M833 be seriously suggested due to additions of the T-80U, 2A5, and 122. As much as I like the idea of having a 105 shell be roughly on par with it's 120mm counterparts so it can be more bearable, I'm curious as to if the 105 Abrams actually becomes almost more viable than the M1A2 and M1A1.
The M1 Can finally get M833 : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2023年4月5日 · The Samsung Galaxy Fold community! News, Reviews, Tips, Discussions and more about the Galaxy Fold line, but also other foldables and related stuff.
Why is M833 so controversial, especially in the case of the ... - Reddit
However, Gaijin also thought giving M413 aka DM33, a shell very similar to M833, to the Merkava Mk.2D, warranted a BR jump to 9.7 which is ridiculous as tanks like the Leopard 1A5 have this shell at 9.3. TL;DR, The M1 is in too good of a spot to give Gaijin justification to raise the BR. M833 almost certainly means 10.7, where it will not be as ...
How would the L7 gun do against a T-64 or T-72? : r/TankPorn
2019年8月20日 · The M833 has just a 427 mm long penetrator - for long-rod penetrators to achieve a penetration greater than their length, they need impractical impact velocities (i.e. a tungsten penetrator needs to have an impact velocity of ca. 1,600 m/s to do so against unsloped armor) - which the M833 clearly doesn't have.