M864 - Wikipedia
The M864 is an American made 155 mm artillery shell. It carries a DPICM warhead and incorporates base bleed technology to increase its range. The projectile is capable of delivering 24 M46 and 48 M42 dual-purpose anti-materiel/anti-personnel sub-munitions at …
美国装备志——M864型155毫米集束弹药 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年7月10日 · m864式155毫米集束炸弹,又被叫做子母弹,自1987年开始服役,炮弹内部装填有72个破甲杀伤双用途子弹药,空爆之后能够形成超过6000枚弹药破片,最大射程约29公里。改进版m483a1型集束炸弹则在内部配有88个高爆破甲双用子弹药,打击范围进一步增大。
Bridgestone M864 - 425/65R22.5 Truck Tire | Bridgestone …
With a new tread pattern for improved wet and dry traction, the Bridgestone M864 ™ is an on-/off-highway, all-position radial tire designed to provide durability and excellent treadwear – making them the ideal choice for severe service applications.
M864 Base Burn DPICM - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The 155mm M864 is the U.S. Army's long-range cargo round. It is the successor to the M483 and features a base bleed system that extends range without the inherent inaccuracy limitations of rocket...
美援烏M864集束彈 戰場首度現蹤 - 自由軍武頻道
2023年7月25日 · m864可攜帶72枚子炸彈,其中包括48枚小型m42人員殺傷彈,以及24枚大型m46穿甲彈。 其原理是,在目標上空引爆的高爆砲彈,瞬間轉化為彈幕,利用子彈藥的爆炸,對目標區域的兵員和車輛都造大面積殺傷,46子炸彈可穿透至少60-65公厘的裝甲。
Linear and first order non-linear effects of mass injection on base pressure are the basis for evaluation of base drag. Navier-Stokes solutions near the base with air injection provides essential data. Correlation equations predict base pressure as a function of Mach number, injection rate, and propellant gas temperature.
Projectile, 155mm HE, M864 - Bulletpicker
The M864 projectile is used to deliver dual purpose armor defeating and antipersonnel grenades at ranges beyond the capability of the M483A1 projectile or when the M483A1 is not available. The Projectile, 155MM, HE, M864 is of the separate loading type. The fuze, propelling charge, and primer are handled and loaded separately.
M864 Base Burn DPICM - Federation of American Scientists
The M864 projectile is a dual-purpose ICM projectile that incorporates base burn technology to increase its range. The projectile is capable of delivering 24 M46 and 48 M42 dual-purpose anti-materiel/anti-personnel grenades at ranges out to 29 kilometers.
M864集束炸弹 - 百度百科
2023年7月,《华盛顿邮报》称,美方将提供的是美国于1987年研制的M864集束炸弹,美国等西方国家对乌提供的155毫米口径榴弹炮均可发射此类炸弹,但相关测试显示,该炸弹的爆炸失败率高达6%,远超美国法律规定的上限。 [1] 1 美国宣布了! .环球网.2023-07-08 [引用日期2023-07-10] M864集束炸弹,是美国于1987年研制的M864集束炸弹。
This report details the engineering investigation surrounding the cargo expulsion failures of the M864 dual purpose improved conventional munition artillery projectile. The investigation examined the specific causes of the failure mechanism and identify four solutions to the problem.