Mi Fu - Wikipedia
Mi Fu (1051–1107), originally named Mi Fei, [1] was a Chinese painter, poet, and calligrapher born in Taiyuan during the Song dynasty. He became known for his style of painting misty landscapes. This style would be deemed the "Mi Fu" style and involved the use of large wet dots of ink applied with a flat brush.
Mi Fu | Chinese Calligrapher, Painter & Poet | Britannica
Mi Fu (born 1051—died 1107, Huaiyang, Jiangsu province, China) was a scholar, poet, calligrapher, and painter who was a dominant figure in Chinese art. Of his extensive writings—poetry, essays on the history of aesthetics, and criticism of painting—a considerable amount survives.
米芾(1051年-1107年),初名黻,后改芾,字元章,世居太原(今属 山西),幼年随父徙居襄阳(今属湖北),自号海岳外史。 曾任校书郎、书画博士、礼部员外郎,与蔡襄、苏轼、黄庭坚合称“宋四家”。 [57] [59-61] 曾任校书郎、书画博士、 礼部员外郎。 世称“ 米南宫 ”。 [59] 书画自成一家,枯木竹石,山水画独具风格特点。 书法也颇有造诣,擅篆、隶、楷、行、草等书体,长于临摹古人书法,达到乱真程度。 [1] 主要作品有《张季明帖》《李太师帖》《紫金研帖》《淡墨秋 …
米芾 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
米 芾 fú (1051年—1107年 [1]), 北宋 书画家。 初名 黻 fú, 字 元章, 太原 人,號 襄阳漫士 、 海岳外史 、 鹿门居士。 北宋 著名 书法家 、书画理论家、 画家 、鉴定家、收藏家。 米芾 祖籍 太原 (今 山西省 太原市),迁居 襄阳县 (今 湖北省 襄阳市 襄州区),號稱「米襄阳」,后定居 润州 (今 江苏省 镇江市)。 召为书画学 博士,擢 南宮 员外郎,人稱 米南宮。 據宋朝記載,米芾為宋代開國功臣 米信 五世孫。 米芾在官场上并不得意,其“不能与世俯仰,故从仕数困”。 …
Mi Fu – Eccentric Encyclopaedia of Calligraphy - Ink & Brush
2023年10月1日 · Mi Fu (1051 – 1107 AD) (pronounced ‘me foo’) was one of the most famous eccentrics in Chinese art and calligraphy. (A competitive field…) He was outspoken, opinionated, and critical of many other artists and calligraphers. But he could back up his talk with his talent.
Mi Fu – China Online Museum
2015年8月6日 · Mi Fu (米芾, 1051-1107), courtesy name Yuanzhang (元章), was a scholar, poet, calligrapher and painter who was a dominant figure in Chinese art. Of his extensive writings—poetry, essays on the history of aesthetics, and criticism of painting—a considerable amount survives.
Mi Fu - New World Encyclopedia
Mi Fu (Chinese: 米黻; pinyin: Mǐ Fú, 1051 – 1107), also known as Mi Fei (米芾), Pinyin Mi Fei, original name (Wade-Giles Romanization) Mi Fu, also called Yüan-chang, Hai-yüeh Wai-shih, or Hsiang–yang Man-shih, was a Chinese painter, poet, and calligrapher born in Taiyuan, Shanxi (太原) during the Song Dynasty (宋朝). In painting ...
Mi Fu: Calligraphy | China Online Museum - Chinese Art Galleries
Mi Fu (米芾, 1051–1107) was a Chinese painter, poet, and calligrapher born in Taiyuan, Shanxi during the Song Dynasty. Because his mother had been the wet nurse of the Emperor Yingzong (reigned 1063 –1067), he was brought up within the imperial precincts, mixing freely with …
Mi Fu — Google Arts & Culture
Mi Fu was a Chinese painter, poet and calligrapher of Sogdian origin, who was born in Taiyuan during the Song dynasty. He became known for his style of painting misty landscapes. This style would...
Mi Fu | Poem Written in a Boat on the Wu River | China | Northern …
Mi wrote Sailing on the Wu River with a suspended arm, working from the elbow rather than the wrist. It was not his aim to form perfect characters; instead, he entrusted his writing to the force of the brush, giving free reign to idiosyncratic movements, collapsing and distorting the characters for the sake of expressiveness.
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