Gaming mode option for deactivation of windows key. This product is temporarily out of stock. You may opt-in our waiting list and we'll notify you once the product is restocked.
Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon mechanical keyboard
2018年3月22日 · The MKA-3C Psychfalcon is one of the most affordable mechanical keyboards you can get today. The barriers to getting a mechanical keyboard are coming down. The deluge of more affordable Cherry MX clones translates into cheaper keyboards, and the price of going mechanical is no longer that prohibitive.
Armaggeddon MKA-3C, Keyboard Mechanical Murah yang …
Kelebihan Armaggeddon MKA-3C . LED RGB dengan 12 Mode; Keyboard nyaman yang tactile dan clicky khas blue switch; Desain bodi anti luntur; Desain bodi yang lebih slim dan lebih artistik dibandingkan generasi sebelumnya; Kemudahan penggunaan untuk pemula; Harganya murah; Kekurangan Armaggeddon MKA-3C
Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon (2017) - Review (...sorta)
It's basically a modular mechanical keyboard that was the same level as Tecware Phantom TKL...per say... In this review, I'll be including overview, my thoughts, typing test, teardown, and overall...
Review - Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon - Nasi Lemak Tech
2016年12月6日 · Armaggeddon's latest budget mechanical keyboard - the Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon - uses a brand new key switch. Check out how it performs!
Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon Mechanical Keyboard
Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon really falls short. Armaggeddon touts that this keyboard uses their brand new KevlarTech key caps – a “high quality concave keycaps with lifetime fade proof warranty”.
Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon (2017) - Unboxing and …
Yes, I'm back with the new tech vidya!In this video, I will be doing an unboxing of the Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychf...
Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon - HardwareZone.com.sg
The Armaggeddon MKA-3C Psychfalcon is an affordable mechanical keyboard with modular Outemu Blue switches and RGB lighting.
Armaggeddon PsychFalcon MKA-3C Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
2025年3月17日 · Armaggeddon PsychFalcon MKA-3C Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Mechanical Keyboard with Kelvartech™ keycaps, Concave for better comfort with life time fade proof warranty, Ultra-durable 50 million cycle mechanical switch, Content blue switches with distinct tactile feedback and 'click' sound, Multicolor Backlight keyboard
Armaggeddon Keyboard Mechanical Gaming TKL MKA 3C …
Armaggeddon MKA 3c adalah Mechanical Keyboard terbaru dari Armaggeddon, Ukuran Keyboard yang tidak terlalu besar memberi kelebihan tersendiri untuk para Gamers sehingga memberikan ruang gerak yang lebih luas serta didukung dengan 12 efek warna yang bisa disesuai dengan keinginan penguna.